Chapter 11: The Date

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"Damn, I really need to go grocery shopping," sighed Dream as he closed the refrigerator. He looked over at George, face filled with guilt. "There's literally no food."

George groaned, leaning back on his chair. "Dream, I'm hungry! It's breakfast time."

"I'm sorry, George!" Dream wrung his hands, eyebrows knit together. "I wasn't prepared at all for this. This is why I always plan things so far in advance."

Dream looked so sincere and apologetic that George couldn't find it in him to be mad. "It's okay, Dream, we can go get groceries together now." He got up decidedly and started putting his sandals on.

"Sounds like a plan," Dream agreed, walking over to the doorway and pulling on his tennis shoes. He straightened up, then paused, sighing. "I'm still really sorry. I'm not the best host."

"No!" George placed a hand on Dream's shoulder, a reassuring smile spread on his face. "Dream, you're a great host. Thank you for letting me stay with you."

Dream flashed him a lopsided grin. He opened his mouth to say something, but was interrupted by a knock at the door.

Dream opened it to see Amanda beaming at them, a summery yellow hat adorning her face. "Hey, are you in the middle of something?" she asked. "I just wanted to know, George, if you want that cookie tutorial now."

"We were actually just about to get groceries," George started apologetically.

"No, it's fine," interrupted Dream, "I can do it on my own, go make cookies."

"You sure?" asked George. His gaze flickered to Amanda hesitantly, then back to Dream. He didn't really know Amanda very well, but she seemed nice enough. Furthermore, her cookies were extremely delicious, so it was tempting.

"Sure," said Dream, flashing Amanda a smile. "Go have fun, I'll be back with some actual food soon." He chuckled then walked away, his lips brushing George's cheek. George flushed bright red.

Amanda giggled, brushing a strand of blonde wavy hair behind her ear. "C'mon," she said, taking George's hand, "my apartment is right across here."

She pulled him into her apartment, and he blinked in surprise at the overwhelming smell of... flowers? He looked around, and it was confirmed. There were flowers hanging in every corner of the room, taking up every bit of space on the wall, and a flower rug under a decorated rose coffee table. He bit back a laugh at the strangeness of it all.

She led him into the kitchen, where there were more flower pots hanging from the cabinets, and, decorated with daisies, a tidy area for baking.

"Your apartment is... uh, nice," said George awkwardly, shoving his hands in his pockets.

"Thanks!" she said, beaming at him sunnily. She tapped her acrylics absentmindedly against her shiny countertop. "So, what kind of cookies do you want to make?"

George thought for a moment. "I just want to learn how to make the ones you gave me yesterday," he decided.

"Oh, the chocolate chip ones?" she asked. George nodded vigorously, vividly remembering how delicious they were. "Okay, so first, you need to preheat your oven...".

It turned out that George was very bad at baking indeed. Converting British measurements to American measurements was confusing, and he didn't understand any of the weird ingredients that Amanda was having him put in, like espresso powder. He tried to explain to her that he didn't drink coffee but she just laughed at him and said something about improving the flavor. She tried as much as possible to explain everything, but after a long hour of trial and error, he still didn't get any of it, and they were covered head to toe in flour from when George had mixed the dry ingredients in on the mixer's highest speed.

Angels (DreamNotFound/Gream)Where stories live. Discover now