Chapter 13: The Cheating

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George felt as though all of the air had been knocked out of him. His mind was reeling. It couldn't be true. Dream would never... could never.

Maybe you weren't good enough for him, said a little, nudging voice in the back of his head.

He raised himself higher on the couch, feeling very cold and sicker than ever. When he finally spoke, his voice was trembling, as was the rest of him. "What?"

"I'm so sorry, George," said Amanda, sounding extremely nervous.

George bit his lip hard, trying to restrain a choked sob from coming out. "Thank you for telling me," he said, voice thick. Before she could say anything else, he hung up.

He stared blankly at the wall, unable to comprehend it. He thought Dream liked him... why else would he want George to move in with him? Why else would he have asked him out on a date? Why else would he have stood up to George's parents, screaming at them about all the abuse George had endured by them? It didn't make any sense at all.

A stray tear slid down his face, and he pulled his knees to his chest, shivering. He considered going to Amanda's apartment to confront Dream, but decided against it. He felt he might faint if he stood for too long, and that wasn't completely due to his sickness. Therefore he spent a miserable thirty minutes contemplating the reasons Dream would betray him, but all he could think of was the words that were relentlessly echoing through his head - he must not be good enough.

His heart skipped a beat as he heard the keys jingle in the door. He didn't want to see Dream.. not now, or not at all, actually. He felt he would never be able to face the bronze-haired boy after what he had done. There would never be any amount of time that could erase what he felt now: the betrayal, because how could Dream do this to him? And the guilt, because this meant he obviously wasn't good enough for him.

The door opened with a slow creak and Dream walked through, unbothered and looking as though he had the time of his life. George could only stare up at him; his voice didn't seem to be working.

He seemed surprised to see George awake. "Hey Georgie, have you been up this whole time?"

The use of the pet name brought George to his senses. "How could you do this to me?" he whispered. A tear trickled down his face, and he didn't bother rubbing it off.

A look of mixed concern and confusion filled Dream's face. "What?"

He rushed over to George, but the other boy held his hand out. "Don't."

Dream stopped immediately, a hurt expression on his features.

A twinge of guilt crept its way into the back of George's head, but he ignored it. "Just... don't come close to me, please."

Dream backed away, looking baffled and upset. "Georgie, what happened?" he asked softly.

"Don't call me that," George snapped, and even he was surprised to hear the amount of venom in his voice. Dream flinched like he had been slapped, but George continued on. "How could you do this to me?"

"I'm confused," said Dream shakily. "What did I do?"

"Don't lie," said George vehemently. More tears were gathering in his eyes, but this time, he furiously wiped them away. "Amanda told me everything."

"Told you what?" asked Dream. His features showed genuine confusion, and if he wasn't so hurt, George would have been impressed at what a good actor he was.

"You know," said George, his voice hard. He propped himself up on the couch more, ignoring his exhaustion. His head was starting to ache more, and he couldn't tell if it was from the flu or the shock.

"I have no clue." Dream gave a nervous laugh, and the sound of it made George snap.

"THAT YOU FUCKING CHEATED ON ME!" George burst out, and he was furious to find himself sobbing. "AMANDA TOLD ME YOU KISSED A GIRL AT HER PARTY!" Dream backed away, looking flabbergasted and extremely upset as George broke down, tears falling fast into his lap. He took a deep, shuddering breath, trying to calm himself down. "H-how could you d-do this? I t-thought...". He wiped the tears that were still raining down his face without his consent. "I thought you liked me," he finished in a small voice.

"George, I didn't cheat, I swear," Dream said immediately. He made to go over to George, but thought better. "I don't know why Amanda would say that."

"I said don't lie!" said George forcefully. He was glaring at Dream through his tears, a look of utter betrayal in his brown eyes.

"I'm not!" Dream promised. "And I do like you!" He looked at George, a pleading expression on his face. "I like you so, so fucking much, you don't even know."

"No, you don't, or else you wouldn't cheat," said George quietly.

"I didn't, George, I swear!" George saw, in the dim light, something that looked like a tear trickle down Dream's face. He looked so convincing... George thought bitterly that he should be an actor.

"Please," Dream said softly, a begging tone evident in his choked voice. "Please, George, I would never... you're the best thing that's ever happened to me."

"Then you shouldn't have wasted it," said George. "Goodbye... Clay."

With great difficulty, he wedged himself up, and walked past Dream to his room. He came out a minute later, pulling his suitcases to the doorway. Without even bothering to put on his shoes, he left, slamming the door on his way out.


remember when i said enjoy the fluff while it lasts? ...yeah.

thank you all so so much for 300 votes, crazy!! please vote, comment, and follow me if you like the story so far. :)

reminder to be nice to people! you never know what other people are going through. i love you <3

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