Chapter 15: The Scandal

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A buzzing sound filled the otherwise quiet room where the disheveled haired boy was curled tightly into the blankets, hugging a pillow, a troubled expression upon his sleeping face. Dream's eyes opened slightly, squinting from the sunlight glaring through the windows, and his hand blindly grabbed for his phone on his bedside desk. It vibrated continuously as he brought it close enough for his sleep-fogged eyes to see the notifications.

His eyebrows furrowed as he saw the amount of texts he was getting. He rubbed his eyes in confusion to clear his vision and saw a notification from Discord that brought his heart to a sharp stop.

BadBoyHalo: I can't believe you cheated on George.

He sat up abruptly, suddenly wide awake, and quickly scrolled through all his other notifications with his heart in his throat. To his horror, they were all about the same thing; all of his friends suddenly seemed to know about the situation. He loaded Twitter apprehensively, desperately hoping none of his fans knew.

His worst fears came to life as he saw the thousands upon thousands of his fans' angry tweets, all talking about the same thing. Fingers shaking, he clicked on his Twitter messages and found furious paragraphs, heartbroken messages wondering how they ever liked him, and hundreds of death threats.

After reading one extremely violent and disturbing threat, he decided he'd had enough of Twitter. He clicked off, and, mentally preparing himself for what was to come, went to his friends' texts.

They were even worse to see; the messages of betrayal and confusion shattered his heart. His best friends' messages were some of the hardest to read; Bad and Sapnap hadn't spammed him like everyone else, but their messages were short and laced with disbelief and sadness. The absolute worst one was from his mother - it just said, "I am very disappointed in you."

He dropped his phone on the blankets and stared out the window, suddenly feeling very cold. Waves of sadness ran over him, chilling him to the bone as he drew his knees to his chest and shut his eyes tightly. He couldn't believe George had told everyone. He knew George was furious with him, but he had thought he would understand the impact it would have, having thousands of people spamming him with hate messages telling him he was a terrible person and to go die.

His cat Patches jumped up on the bed and nuzzled his shoulder, meowing concernedly. He picked her up, holding her tightly and burying his face in her fluffy brown fur. At least his cat was on his side, he thought humorlessly.

A hot tear slid down his face and landed on her fur. If someone had asked him yesterday if he thought it could get any worse he would have said no, but it had.


The tantalizing smell of sizzling bacon filled the apartment, and George breathed in deeply, his stomach rumbling with anticipation. Amanda really was the best cook he knew, and even though his cooking skills were much better than his baking skills, he couldn't hope to possibly top her. He waited and reclined, feet on the table, closing his eyes as Amanda absentmindedly hummed the tune to a Disney song.

The sound of a clearing throat reached his ears, and he turned around to see Amanda holding a plate piled with steaming bacon and eggs, looking disapprovingly at him. "Feet off the table."

He rolled his eyes, but obliged. "Thanks," he said, taking the plate from her.

"No problem," she said, and took the chair right next to him. He froze up as she rested her head on his shoulder absentmindedly. He wasn't sure if they were an actual couple or not, but she had pecked him goodnight and good morning, and seemed even more affectionate than usual towards him over the last twelve hours since she had first kissed him, so it was probable.

He wasn't sure if he wanted them to be a couple, though. The thought of Dream was always lurking in his head, flashes of similar moments with him jumping out whenever he did anything with Amanda. As hard as he was trying to forget Dream, his brain was stubbornly trying just as hard to remember every moment with the green eyed boy.

He sighed. He needed to get over him, or else it would just cause him more pain. And getting together with Amanda would help him with that, he reminded himself.

But you don't like her like that, said the little nudging voice in the back of his head.

I do! he thought back determinedly. He shoveled a mouthful of runny eggs into his mouth and puzzled. He had to, right? She was a nice person, an amazing cook, and was definitely pretty, so what wasn't to like?

He was snapped out of his contemplation by Amanda's voice. "Didn't you tell me you had a cat?" she asked out of the blue.

"What? Oh... yeah."

She lifted her head to look at him, the corners of her glossed mouth turned down into a puzzled frown. "Where is he now?"

A sudden wave of coldness abruptly hit him like a truck, and he slapped his head. "Shit."

She looked even more confused. "What is it?"

"He's with - with him," George muttered. He slapped his head again as another realization came over him. "And so is my dog."

"They're with Clay?" she asked, concern filling her crystal blue eyes.

George nodded, his eyebrows tightly knit with frustration. "Shit."

"Oh." She put her hand on his shoulder as he dropped his head into his hands. "It's okay, George, I'll go get them."

"No," he muttered, his voice muffled, "it's okay, I'll get them."

"George, you don't have to face him," she said quickly. Her voice sounded scared to George, but he was too preoccupied to try to figure out why.

"No, Amanda, I'll get them," he said, lifting his face out of his hands to look at her. He knew she used to be friends with him, and he didn't need her to feel guilty all over again for it by seeing him again, since she had been so nice to him after what happened. He owed her that much, he figured.

"Are you sure?" she said. Her tone was slightly strained.

He nodded slowly. "Yeah."


He decided to get it over with as fast as possible, so after breakfast, Amanda gave him a long, reassuring hug, and he steered himself to go. He was so preoccupied that he put his shoes on the wrong feet at first, and his hands were shaking as he tied the white laces.

"It'll be okay," said Amanda, giving him a smile that didn't quite reach her anxious eyes.

"Yeah," he said. His voice was set with determination that didn't match his inner thoughts. He closed Amanda's door and walked shakily across to the apartment he knew was Dream's.

He took a deep breath, and knocked on the door.



any guesses on what's going to happen next? if you're enjoying the story please vote and follow me for more because it would make me super happy :)

reminder that you're an incredible person and you deserve happiness. <3

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