Chapter 10: The United States

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After nine long, boring hours spent annoying each other and ordering all the plane food they possibly could, they touched down at the Florida airport.

"Wow," whispered George as they walked off the plane. Florida was a lot different than London.

Dream chuckled, intertwining their fingers, making electricity shoot through George's arm at the simple touch. "It's not much, but it's home."

They walked to the baggage claim, hand in hand. Once they finally found the five suitcases they brought, got George's dog and cat, and hauled all of the stuff to Dream's car, they were off, driving in a whole new country.

In about twenty minutes, they arrived at Dream's apartment complex. It was run down and resembled an abandoned warehouse.

"Nice," said George.

Dream looked at him incredulously and chortled. "No it's not, but whatever. I'm moving soon." He got out of the car and opened the trunk, then started pulling the luggage out.

George looked at it all and groaned, dreading the walk up. "I guess I'll take three suitcases and Baby, and you take two and Clay Block."

"Are you sure you can handle it?" teased Dream, a smirk playing on his lips. "I don't think your tiny body can take it."

George glared. "I'm five foot nine, that's not short!"

"Shorty," replied Dream, then busied himself with the difficult task of figuring out how to take the suitcases and the puppy at the same time.

Thankfully there was an elevator so they didn't have to lug everything up the stairs, but it took a lot of hard work and careful positioning of the suitcases to get everything up in one trip. They were determined though, and finally, exhausted, they pulled the suitcases through Dream's apartment door, gently set down the two crates containing Clay Block and Baby, and flopped on the floor.

"Oh my god, I can't believe we did that in one trip," gasped Dream, sprawling out on the cold tiles.

George just nodded. It was all he could do to try to catch his breath.

They laid on the floor for a few moments, then Dream abruptly got up.

"Wait, I forgot, you need an apartment tour!"

"Sure," said George tiredly, eyes shut, "just help me up." He stretched out his hand blindly.

"Get up yourself, you fat lug," said Dream, but he obligingly hauled him off the floor. "Okay, so first, here's my kitchen...".

Dream proceeded to give him an extremely thorough tour of his apartment, adding backstories about all the furniture and showing everything in his drawers. Thirty minutes in, Dream was in the middle of telling George the story of when he got his bedsheets when there was a knock at the door.

"Guess we'll have to save that story for next time," said Dream, giving a heavy, over dramatic sigh. He rose up off the bed to go get the door.

"Thank fucking god," muttered George, before following him.

Dream opened the door to find a cheerful blonde girl with a pink sun hat beaming at him. "Hey, Amanda," he said, grinning. "Thanks for taking care of Patches while I was gone." Amanda was the owner of the apartment right across the hall from his, and the two were good friends.

"Hey, Clay!" she said. "It was fun, but I don't think Patches likes me very much." She rolled up her sleeve to reveal red scratch marks raked down her arms.

Dream choked back a laugh, hastily turning it into a cough. He plastered a guilty look on his face, but George noticed his eyes were still dancing with amusement. "Sorry about that."

She raised a penciled eyebrow, apparently not convinced. "It's fine, it doesn't hurt anymore. Anyway, I just wanted to say welcome back, and I'm giving out cookies to everyone, want some?"

"Oh my god, yes," said Dream immediately, taking a gooey chocolate chip cookie and shoving it in his mouth.

Amanda looked past him and noticed George for the first time. "And who's this?" she said. Her eyes looked him up and down.

Dream swallowed the cookie. "Oh, that's George, he's my, um... my boyfriend."

Amanda grinned at him. "Cool!". She outstretched her hand. "Nice to meet you."

George awkwardly shook it. "You too," he said, returning her smile.

"Want a cookie?" she asked, reaching for the bag.

"Sure," said George, and she handed him one. "Thank you!"

He took a bite, and was immediately sent to cookie heaven. It was chewy, with warm melted chocolate exploding in his mouth and a myriad of vibrant flavors packed in. He swallowed, eyes wide. "That's so fucking good."

Dream nodded vigorously, taking a second one without asking. "Amanda makes the best cookies."

"I do," confirmed Amanda, laughing. "Maybe I could teach you how to make them sometime," she said to George, shifting her feet.

"Yeah, sure," said George absentmindedly, closing his eyes and savoring the cookie.

"Okay," she said, "well, I'd better go hand all these out, nice to meet you, George!"

"You too," said George, grinning at her.

"Bye, Amanda!" said Dream, closing the door. He turned to George. "Anyways, what story was I on again?"

George groaned. He thought Dream had forgotten what they were doing before. "No."

Dream mock sighed in disappointment, trying to hide his smirk. "But George, don't you find them all so riveting?"

"No," repeated George. Dream pouted jokingly, and he swatted him. "C'mon, you can continue the tour with what you have to eat, because I'm starving."

"I'm not your servant," complained Dream, but he took George's hand and led him to the kitchen. It was a mess, like everything else in his house was, and the refrigerator was adorned with pictures of his kitten, Patches.

Dream opened the fridge. "Let's see, we have... bread... some spoiled milk, ew." He took the milk out and set it on the marble counter, pulling a disgusted face. "And... leftover pizza!" He opened the cardboard and looked it over. He shrugged. "Seems like it's still good to eat if you want it."

George agreed, and they had a filling dinner of week old pizza and some grape soda Dream found in the back of his pantry. After dinner, they retired to bed, exhausted from the long day of flying. Dream put his arm around George, and George rested his head on Dream's chest, content.

"Dream?" he said softly.

"Yeah?" Dream yawned.

George's lips curved up into a fond smile. Even Dream's yawn was adorable. "This week... has been the best week of my life."

Dream smiled broadly into the darkness, wondering how he had gotten so lucky. "Me too."


i hope you like this fluff, because it won't last long lol.

if you're enjoying this make sure to vote and comment! it makes my day a whole lot better, really. also please follow me for more :)

reminder that you're beautiful and don't need to change for anyone. i love you all!

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