Chapter 3: The Boardwalk

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George handed Dream's sixth slice of toast to him. "Dream...".

"We should go to the boardwalk," said Dream. He took a huge bite out of the bread and looked at George in expectancy.

George's eyebrows furrowed together as he stared at Dream in confusion, remembering the story about Dream getting dragged on a roller coaster at age fourteen and screaming his head off. "You're afraid of heights."

The taller boy's lips curved into a seductive smile. "Not if you hold me tight, my love."

"DREAM!" George's cheeks were flaming hot. If Dream was going to be acting like this for the entire time he was there, George didn't know how he'd keep it together.

Dream wheezed, eyes sparkling teasingly as he raised his eyebrows. "It's just a joke, dude."

"Sorry." George realized with an apologetic half grin that he was majorly overreacting. He fidgeted with his hands awkwardly as he looked down at the tiled floor.

"Nah, it's cool," Dream said. He crunched on a bite of toast, reclining on the rotating chair. "Anyway, I wanted to go for the games, not the rides."

"Oh, okay, sure," mumbled George, cheeks still warm as he got up from his seat. Dream chewed his last bite of toast languidly, yawning, while George went back to his room to get ready for the day.


George saw it seemed like everyone had the same idea as them right when they arrived at the colorful, showy boardwalk. There were long lines of crowds of excited people for every ride, game, and restaurant. He inwardly cursed at himself, realizing he should have thought it through more. It was a warm, sunny day in May, and the weekend on top of that, so of course everyone was crowded around at the boardwalk, taking whatever chance they could get to have fun without the usual Stourbridge rain. "Sorry, Dream, I didn't realize there would be so many people here."

A happy, broad smile was glued to the other boy's face as his eyes raved around the area. He didn't realize what George had said until a moment later. "Nah, it's cool," he finally responded, eyes flickering to George for only a moment, busy drinking in the flashy games and rides. "I can wait in lines, it'll be fine."

"Okay," said George, relieved, squinting in the sunlight that was so rare for London. He slipped his sunglasses on and grinned at his friend, who was still looking around in awe like it was the first time he'd ever been to a boardwalk. He was surprised that Dream was so amazed by it, seeing as though he lived by Universal Studios and Disneyworld, but he guessed it was largely because London was a whole new place for him, and new things were always more impressive. "What do you want to do first?"

"Umm..". Dream scanned the area. "Let's go to that game over there, it has giant teddy bears for prizes."

The stand he was pointing to was a colorful throw the rings game where six foot fluffy teddy bears were crowded around it, and George let out a short laugh, picturing Dream lugging around a huge stuffed bear like an excited child. "Sure."

They walked to the back of the bustling line, and after about ten minutes of waiting, George bought five rings for each of them. "You have to get them all on the poles to win the giant teddy bear," he told Dream.

"Watch me win," Dream said, a confident grin spread on his face as he took the pastel loops from the salesperson. His eyes narrowed with concentration as he examined an aqua ring and one of the poles. After a moment of deliberation, he threw it, and it landed right around the pole. "Yes!" he exclaimed gleefully, a satisfied smile igniting his sunlit features.

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