Chapter 6: The Dinner

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(trigger warning, mental and physical abuse, homophobia)


Intense regret immediately coursed through George like boiling lava, and he mentally cursed himself. "Shit. I'm so sorry." He tried to pull away but Dream steadied his grip on him.

"Wait, George, like, like me?"

"Shit, um, pretend I didn't say anything," George muttered, gaze firmly directed at the ground as his cheeks flamed with humiliation. He tried again to pull away but Dream's grip was strong.

"Why didn't you tell me before?"

George sputtered, lifting his gaze up to reach Dream's eyes indignantly. "Why didn't I tell you? Why the hell would I, when I knew I'd get rejected like this?"

"Rejected?" Dream let out a slight amused chuckle, raising his eyebrows. "Who said anything about me rejecting you?"

Hope slowly filled George, but he resolutely squashed it down. "You're rejecting me, aren't you?"

Dream wheezed, and despite the situation, George felt his lips curve in a slight smile at the familiar sound. "Rejecting... you? Why in the literal hell would I do that?"

George's heart did a flip in his chest, his breath catching, but he searched his brain for reasons, determinedly refusing to believe anything this good could happen to him. "Because... you said you were straight multiple times before, and you're my best friend, and even if you weren't straight, you just got out of a relationship, and you probably don't want another?"

Dream looked at him, confusion etching itself onto his features as he let out a disbelieving laugh. "Wait, you actually didn't figure it out?"

George's heart sped up, fluttering wildly in his chest. "Didn't figure out what?" he asked slowly.

"George," he said, still chuckling lightly, "I've been very obviously head over heels for you for months, and you're just now catching on?"

What? "You.. you have?"

Dream laughed a little. "You're cute when you're flustered. Of course I have, you oblivious idiot."

George could only gape at him as his mind went dizzy trying to comprehend it. Dream, the most perfect, angel-like human he'd ever met, liked him. It didn't match up. He tried to get his mouth to form words, but he could only get out a breathy, "But.. why?"

"Why wouldn't I?" asked Dream, a fond smile forming on his lips as he shook his head disbelievingly at George. "You're the most kind, caring person I've ever met, you have a heart of gold, I have the most fun when I'm with you, and, of course," he continued, his eyebrows raising teasingly, "there's the fact that you're super hot."

"Dream!" George squeaked, cheeks tomato red.

Dream wheezed. "I'm not wrong."

A wide grin split George's face ear to ear as a fog of euphoria took over. Dream liked him. Of all people, Dream, the best person he had ever met, liked George. It didn't make sense at all in his brain but it made him insanely happy, and his troubles were shoved aside, almost completely forgotten.

Heat rose in George's cheeks as he realized he had been staring off into space, grinning like an idiot for the past moment. He immediately switched his gaze back to Dream, letting out an embarrassed chuckle.

But as their eyes met, a wave of overwhelming intensity made George inhale sharply. Dream's sea green eyes blazed with a mix of swirling emotions as he hesitantly moved a gentle hand to George's cheek, and George leaned into the touch, eyes fluttering shut, heart beating so wildly he was sure it was going to smash a hole in his ribs.

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