Chapter 8: The Idea

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     "Dream," breathed George, stumbling back. "Dream, I - I can't -".

   Dream wheezed, eyes sparkling teasingly. His lips slid into an easy grin. "George, relax, I'm not asking you to marry me."

   George breathed a sigh of relief, but his eyebrows furrowed in confusion. "Then what are you doing?"

   "It's a promise ring," said Dream. He scratched his head, suddenly feeling awkward. "It means I promise I'll always be here for you... either romantically or platonically." He got up from his kneeling position and slipped the sparkling ring onto George's index finger. "Look, I - I know you feel like you have nobody looking out for you, nobody to go to, and I just wanted to let you know that you have me." He put his hand on top of George's, and looked up at him with the small smile that George liked so much. George stroked the ring with his thumb absentmindedly and broke out into a full, genuine grin.

   "Thank you," he said sincerely.

   "Anytime," said Dream. He smiled tentatively back at George, struck slightly shy, and a sudden wave of contentness coursed through them both.


     Time flies when you're having fun, and they were. They did the most they could with the limited time they had, and enjoyed every moment with each other thoroughly.

   George named the puppy Clay Block to piss Dream off since Dream hated when George called him by his real name, and they both quickly fell in love with the energetic little fluff ball, whose greatest enjoyment seemed to come from jumping on them at random times. They visited museums, where Dream accidentally knocked over a whole structure and got yelled at by the employees while George was laughing hysterically in the background, went to the beach, where Dream convinced George to let him bury him in sand, resulting in George tracking sand all over his apartment for the rest of the week, and live streamed constantly, which proved to be even more fun when they were in the same room. Dream's bruise had almost completely disappeared within a few days, a fact that George was extremely thankful and relieved about.

   George was plagued by more nightmares about his parents almost every night, but Dream was always there to calm him down and help him get through them. He would rub comforting circles on George's back and whisper soothing words into his ear until they both fell back asleep. George felt awful for waking Dream in the middle of the night for something so embarrassing, but Dream repeatedly assured him it was nothing to worry about and he wanted to be there for him. George honestly wasn't sure what he would do without Dream when he left, and he tried not to think about it.

   They had both decided not to tell their friends they were together just yet, and George dreaded the day they'd have to. He could only imagine their reaction; he would be teased and badgered about it for weeks on end. He was teased enough about him and Dream as it was; Bad seemed determined to badger George as much as possible, trying relentlessly to get him to tell Dream he loved him.

   As neither of them liked to cook much, their diet consisted of takeout and toast, which both of them were completely fine with, though once, while munching on toast, George had silently wondered if Dream was going to ask him on a date to a restaurant. That had led to his heart racing, face flushing, and inhaling his bread through the wrong tube and almost choking. Dream had almost been forced to do the Heimlich maneuver on him, but while he was getting prepared, features streaked with an equal mixture of panic and confusion, George coughed out the bread all over his face.

   But all too soon, it was the day of Dream's departure, and he was getting ready to leave.

   They sat on George's bed, halfheartedly folding Dream's clothes and packing them in his green suitcase. There was silence for about five minutes as they both immersed themselves in their own thoughts.

   Finally, George spoke hollowly, the sound echoing through the silence. "I'm going to miss you, Dream."

   Dream's lips curved upwards into a sad half smile. "And I'm going to miss you, Georgie."

   George rested his head on the taller boy's shoulder, feeling the rhythm of his breathing. He shut his eyes, treasuring the last moments he had with him. Dream put an arm around him, and they slipped into a comfortable silence again for another few minutes.

   "Can't you stay for another week?" George burst out suddenly. He had been thinking that for the last few days, but hadn't been able to get up the nerve to ask him. But with that day being the departure date, it was now or never.

   Dream gave a heavy sigh, looking at him unhappily. "You know I want to, George, but I really can't. I have obligations back in Florida."

   "Right," muttered George, staring down at his knees. He had figured as much, but to hear it out loud still stung.

   Dream lifted George's head up gently, forcing him to look into his eyes. "Hey... it's going to be okay. I'll video call you every day, alright?"

   George swallowed the lump forming in his throat. "Yeah, it'll be fine, I know."

   "And I'll visit you again, soon," Dream promised. His green eyes glinted with conviction.

   "No, next time, I'm coming to Florida," said George, looking slightly more cheerful at the thought of finally seeing Dream's house in person.

   "Or you could just move in with me," said Dream jokingly, laughing.

   Then he went silent abruptly and looked at George, excitement glittering in his eyes. "George! Are you thinking what I'm thinking?"

   George's heart was pounding in his chest. Was Dream saying what he thought he was saying? "What are you-".

   "George... will you move in with me?"


hahahaha i love cliffhangers

thank you all so so much for 1k reads wtf wtf wtf??? i love you all omg <33

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reminder that you're a wonderful and special person and so many people love you, whether you know it or not. <3

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