Chapter 5: The Panic

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Dream woke up bright and early the next morning with George safe in his arms. He gingerly untangled himself from the sleeping boy and sat up, yawning and stretching out his limbs. He gazed fondly at George, a small smile curving on his lips, and suddenly memories from the last night flooded back. His hands unconsciously curled into fists, remembering what George's dad did to him.

Dream didn't get how anyone could even think of hurting George. He was just so - well, definitely not innocent, he allowed, a slight grin twitching up the corners of his mouth despite himself, but pure, with a smile that could light up the darkest of rooms, and the most kind, caring, generous heart there ever was. Dream wholeheartedly believed that if angels were real, George was one. And how could anyone hurt an angel?

He snuck a glance at the sleeping boy and his lips curved into an affectionate smile, seeing his brown hair in disarray and a bit of drool trickled out the side of his mouth. A sudden idea flew into his head, and he reached for his phone and snapped a quick picture. He chortled softly at the thought of showing George later, then quietly crept out of the bedroom to get breakfast.


Two hours later, George stumbled into the living room, disheveled from sleep and yawning loudly. "Morning."

Dream flashed him a lopsided grin, leaning his hand on the counter. He had decided not to bring up the events of the night before unless George did first, hoping to keep the other boy happy and not thinking about his parents. "Morning, want breakfast?"

George's face immediately lit up, abruptly discarding the exhaustion that had been previously displayed on his face. "Breakfast?"

Dream chuckled, amused at his excitement, and handed him a warm plate with a piece of toast and scrambled egg.

"Fanks," George said, his voice muffled by the bread he had immediately shoved in his mouth.

"Anytime," said Dream. He dropped onto the leather couch, taking a big bite of his own toast. "What should we do today?"

"Well," said George, eyebrows briefly furrowing in consideration, "it's raining, so we could just stay in and film a video."

Dream groaned. He had wanted to go out, but he knew that was a better idea, as he hadn't uploaded in a while. "Fine. I do need to make a new video, it's been almost a week."

"Yeah, I just uploaded, so we could make it for your channel," said George. He took another bite of the toast, crunching it loudly. "Do you have anything coded?"

Dream smacked his head. "Shoot, I forgot to code something." He sighed, already dreading the prospect of having to waste the entire day figuring something out.

"It's fine," reassured George. He seemed to be thinking as he absentmindedly chewed on his bread. "We could just do another manhunt, I guess."

Dream breathed a sigh of relief. He didn't have to wrack his brain for content all day, after all. "Yeah, let's do that."

George's phone abruptly buzzed and he reached for it on the countertop. "Probably a text from Sapnap or something."

"Yeah," said Dream, absently chewing his toast as he reclined back on the cushiony couch. He closed his eyes and yawned. He had gotten up early the past few days. Maybe he could just take a nap -

He was knocked out of his sleepy stupor by a sudden screech and a thump. Confused, he whipped his head up to see George sprawled on the floor, looking absolutely terrified.

"What's wrong?" said Dream, immediately fearing the worst. He ran over to George and knelt beside him. "George, are you okay?"

George frantically shook his head. "My parents..".

The two simple words produced a searing panic that coursed through Dream's body, filling it with a dull cold. His heart thumped fast and hard in his chest. "What? Your parents what?" He clutched George's hands tightly. "Tell me. Please."

George took a deep, shuddering breath and looked at Dream helplessly. "My mom just texted me. They're coming to Stourbridge for a week, and - they're coming here tonight for dinner."

"Shit," Dream whispered. Without thinking, he grabbed George's face and stroked his cheeks with his thumbs, trying desperately to offer any little comfort he could. "George, I won't let them hurt you."

George shook his head frantically and latched his hands onto Dream's shoulders, trying to calm himself. "No."

"George, I won't," promised Dream, gripping the other boy's shoulders firmly. "I will never, remember my promise?"

"Dream, I-".

"Remember, George?" Dream searched his face, hoping George could see how serious he was. "I would - I would actually die before I let that happen. I'm serious, George."

George shook his head again, pressing his lips together. Dream could tell he was determinedly fighting tears back. "This isn't about me, Dream."

"What?" Dream furrowed his eyebrows, a twinge of confusion leaking in through the panic. "What are you talking about?"

"I'm not afraid about them hurting me anymore," George said quietly, looking down. "I'm too used to it."

"Then what are you afraid of? Who is it about?"

George sighed, wiping his eyes angrily. He met Dream's eyes with an intensity the other boy had never seen displayed on his face. "It's about you, Dream, can't you see? Can't you see how much I literally can't let that happen to you? You have to be somewhere else for dinner, you have to. My father is.. he's an alcoholic. He doesn't care who you are, if you piss him off, it's a punch in the face."

"I-," started Dream.

"No," George said vehemently. "You don't understand. Please, don't be here. Please. I can't let it happen to you. Dream, I'd get beaten up a million times over if it meant you were safe."

Dream shook his head, mind reeling with floods of different emotions. "George, I - I don't understand."

"What don't you understand?"

"Why are you afraid of me getting hurt? I can take it, I promise, George." Dream gripped the other boy's shoulders, trying to convey how serious he was.

George shook his head. "But I can't take it if you get hurt."


"Just because," George muttered, looking away and trying to rip Dream's hands off of him.

Dream stubbornly refused to let go. "No, George, you have to give me an actual answer. I can't leave you there alone without an actual answer."

"I... can't."




cliffhanger ;)

more drama because i love writing it too much. he confessed, what do you think will happen next?

please please vote if you liked it, it really makes me happy, and comment your feedback as always!

reminder that you are strong enough to get through whatever you're going through right now. you were put in this life because you were strong enough to live it. i love you all. <3

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