Chapter 7: The Surprise

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Dream paced back and forth alone in the living room, his head in his hands. How could he have been so stupid? He had wanted George to take his life back from his parents, and now George had no life with his parents. Although they were abusive and controlling, Dream knew that deep down, George still loved them. He was the most caring and kind soul Dream had ever met, and now he had hurt him. He had promised George not to talk unless he needed to, and he broke that promise and, on top of that, got George disowned.

He had to make it up to George, he thought desperately, but he wasn't sure what would be big enough to heal the deep hole he had dug. He wasn't sure if there was anything to do, but he had to try. He had to try, because losing George would be the worst thing he imagined could ever happen to him.

So he paced back and forth for what felt like forever, mind circling wildly, trying to come up with anything at all, until finally, a glimmer of an idea flew into his head.


George wasn't angry at Dream, not really. He couldn't find the strength to be angry with Dream; he just felt so deeply hurt and betrayed that he couldn't bring himself to be around him. He didn't understand why Dream did it. He had specifically told Dream to be quiet because he knew what would happen. He knew what would happen if Dream got riled up, and it was exactly what did happen. He got himself hurt, and George disowned. George knew he didn't mean it to end up that way, but it was that way.

But amongst all the other emotions swirling in his head, George was angry at himself. He was furious with himself for being so emotional and so confusing. Why should he care that he was disowned? He never got along with his parents anyway, and all they ever did was hurt him and his sister, so why would he care? He should be happy.

But he wasn't. Deep down, he did love his parents, and he always would, and that was why he was angry with himself. Angry for loving so easily, and being so weak as to huddle under their power for twenty three years. Twenty three years, he had never been completely free from them, and now that he was, he was sad. George let out a shaky, humorless laugh, laying back on his bed. What was wrong with him?


A quick trip to a couple stores later, and Dream was back. He had formulated a reckless plan. He knew it could never completely make up for the anguish he had caused George, but he desperately hoped it could ease the pain a little.

He went to the bedroom and hesitantly knocked on the door, the sound clear through the silent hall.

"What do you want, Dream?" said a weary voice from inside the room.

"Can I come in?"

He heard a sigh. "Whatever."

He opened the door to see George sitting on the bed, shoulders hunched, head in his hands. He hesitantly walked over to him.

"George, I brought you something."

George raised his head up slowly, and Dream noticed with a jolt how red his eyes were. He mentally slapped himself again for being so stupid and careless.

"It's right outside the door, come see," he said, tapping his fingers nervously on the wooden bed frame.

George wearily raised himself up and went to look. He inhaled, and looked at Dream, eyes wide. "You didn't."

Dream couldn't help but grin at George's reaction. "I did." He walked next to George, who was looking down at the crate holding a fluffy brown puppy in surprise.

He looked at Dream, lips curving into a tiny smile despite himself. "Is it.. is it mine?"

Dream nodded, and George tenderly scooped the puppy up, stroking its squiggling back. "My god, Dream, I can't believe you got me a dog."

"I knew how much you wanted one," said Dream simply. He hesitated, then gently put his hand on George's shoulder. George tensed up, but didn't make any move to shove the hand off. "George, I screwed up big time, and I know it's unforgivable. I'm not asking for forgiveness, I just wanted to try to make you happier in any way I could. But I'm..". His voice caught, and he cleared his throat, wiping his eyes hastily. "I'm so, so sorry, Georgie."

George seemed to be fighting back tears himself. "Dream," he murmured, "I don't know what to say."

"You don't have to say anything," said Dream quickly. "You don't have to forgive me, or anything like that. I'm mad at myself also."

"I just..". George paused, trying to find the words. "I don't know, I guess I... I don't know. I told you specifically to stay quiet, because I knew what would happen if you didn't, and you didn't listen, and now look what happened."

Dream ran a hand through his disheveled hair and stared at the carpeted floor. "I know," he whispered.

"But at the same time, I'm not really mad at you, I'm more mad at myself. I mean, my parents abused me for years, and now that I'm finally away from them, I'm sad? What's wrong with me?" George groaned, burying his face in the puppy's soft fur.

"George," Dream said softly, rubbing reassuring circles onto the shorter boy's shoulder, "It's normal to love your parents no matter what. It just shows how big of a heart you have, and that's a really good trait to have. Don't feel ashamed."

"I guess," said George. He gently put the squiggling puppy back in the black crate, then faced Dream, taking a deep breath. "I forgive you. We all make mistakes, just.. don't do it again, please."

Dream let out a sigh of relief. "I promise," he said vehemently. George nodded, then unexpectedly hugged him as tightly as possible. Dream tensed up for a moment, taken by surprise, then buried his face in the brown haired boy's shoulder, breathing his familiar scent in.

Then he remembered he had one more thing he had to do.

He broke the hug reluctantly, and took a deep breath. "I actually have one more thing for you," he said. He reached into his pocket, and took something out, hiding it in his hand.

"What is it?" George asked. He raised an eyebrow as Dream flashed him a small smile brimming with mischievousness.

He gasped sharply as he saw Dream get down on one knee, holding out an open box with a sparkling ring.


okay i know you're probably all like "that was way too soon" but just wait for the next chapter, i promise, sorry for the extremely confusing cliffhanger lmao.

please please follow me and vote if you liked it, 8 more votes until 69!! also thank you so much for 600 reads wtf ily all <33

reminder that you're so unique, there's nobody quite like you in the world and that makes you special and needed. <3

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