Chapter 20: The Felicity

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A wave of shock coursed through Dream's veins, immobilizing his body so all he could do was gape soundlessly at George. His heart was pounding wildly in his throat, echoing through his ears like a thundering drum.

Disappointment flickered in George's coffee brown eyes. He abruptly sat up from his former position centimeters from Dream, turning away. "It's okay, I know you don't feel the same way, I just... I thought you'd want to know."

The words worked to stir Dream from his stupor, and he forced himself to talk. "No - George, I -". He tried valiantly to gather his whirling thoughts and cleared his throat, propping himself up onto his elbows with a wince that he attempted to play off. "You love me?"

George swallowed, turning his head back. "I mean, yeah."

A choked laugh came from Dream's chapped lips, and his words jumbled out in short, chopped, breathy sentences. "Oh my god - George - I didn't realize it until you - well, until you thought I cheated -". He shook his head disbelievingly, a broad, glowing smile crossing his worn face. "I'm so in love with you, George."

The world came to an abrupt stop. The dull hospital room vanished; everything ceased to exist; there was nothing in the world but George and Dream.

George's lips parted slightly in surprise, forming a small 'o'. A surge of joy crashed through his body, filling him to the brim with sudden giddiness as he stared, stupefied, at the other boy. "You - you are?"

Dream's face had become sanguine, contrasting sharply with the pallid, worn complexion displayed just moments before. An elated chuckle came from his lips and his eyes crinkled with jubilation. "How could I not be?"

"Oh my fucking god," George murmured. A glittering smile broke out on his face, lighting up his eyes. His mind whirled as he contemplated the fact that seemed like a miracle: Dream was in love with him. "Clay Anthony Johnson loves me," he said out loud. It seemed unreal, like it was a fever dream, a figment of his imagination.

Dream gazed at him, sea green eyes alight with fondness. "And for some unknown reason, George Henry Davidson loves me."

"Because I'm stupid," deadpanned George, a breathless giggle escaping his lips. "I don't know what I'm fucking thinking." His eyes greatly contrasted the sentence, raving over Dream's features like he was a sacred beauty.

A wheeze sounded in the back of Dream's throat and he raised his eyebrows. "Thanks."

"Anytime." George's breath caught as Dream gently placed his unbroken left hand on George's flushed cheek, sending shivers down his spine as the other boy traced circles with his thumb on the warm skin, pulling his face closer.

"Do you know how perfect you are?" Dream's tone was little more than a whisper, but it was brimming with fierce, undeniable love. George's eyes fluttered shut as his heart pounded uncontrollably, Dream's words whirling through his mind.

"Can you even begin to comprehend how much you mean to me?" Dream's quiet voice pierced through the room as he continued on, galvanic features alight with intensity as he gazed at George as if he was the last person alive. "Georgie, do you even realize how beautiful you are?" He paused. They were centimeters apart. "Do you know that you're the most important person in the world to me?" His voice had grown so quiet it was almost indecipherable, his breath hot on George's skin.

George's glowing smile that had spread onto his face was breathtaking, his hands pressed into the mattress as his face hovered barely an inch away from Dream's. "You're such a simp, Dream," he mumbled, a flustered giggle squeaking from his lips.

Dream chuckled, the light, vibrant sound resounding in George's ears. "Stop ruining the moment, George."

"Sorry." George's face was flushed and discomposed at Dream's words, his voice becoming increasingly shakier with every sentence. "I've never felt like this before," he confessed.

"Neither have I." Dream lightly outlined the structure of George's cheekbone with his thumb, leaving a burning, tingling sensation in its wake.

"It's overwhelming," George murmured. He shivered, looking away. "It's like... every time you touch me, there's electricity or something... and every time I'm with you, it's like the world is... like, a little bit better." He paused, his eyes flitting back towards Dream's hesitantly. "I know that seems weird."

Dream shook his head. He immediately winced at the movement, but brushed it off. His eyes were dancing, the bright hospital lights flickering in them, making the greys and greens of his eyes mix together in a bright mush of color. "That's exactly how I feel. It's like... everything gets better when I'm with you."

George nodded slightly. "Yeah, exactly." An exhilarated laugh bubbled from his lips and his eyes flickered away again, cheeks heating up.

"George," whispered Dream suddenly. "Look at me."

Heart pounding in his chest, George switched his gaze back to Dream's eyes, which were suddenly ablaze with intensity. Dream cupped his chin gently, and pulled his face down just slightly, so their lips met.

They had kissed many times, but every time somehow still felt like the first. George's breath caught in his throat, and his hand came down to rest in Dream's disheveled hair. His heart was fluttering wildly, beating relentlessly like a drum in his chest, and they held each other as close as possible.

"Georgie," Dream murmured against his lips, and George felt his lips turn up into an uncontrollable smile through the kiss at the use of the pet name.

"Dream," he mumbled back, running his fingers through his disheveled waves. Their hearts beat in rhythm, and George felt absolute contentedness rush over him for the first time in what felt like ages.

Suddenly, the door swung open with a creak. They broke apart immediately, faces flushed, and whirled around to see Dream's family standing in the doorway.



as always, vote and follow me if you're enjoying this! i'm so close to 10k reads wtf

reminder to drink water if you haven't yet! i love you<3

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