Chapter 12: The Announcement

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Sunlight streamed in through the windows as the sky slowly lit up with color, casting golden rays upon the two boys sprawled on the mattress. The birds started chirping, their lively song echoing through the fresh spring air, and the bronze haired boy's eyes slowly fluttered open.

He yawned, tiredly rolling over to check his phone. It showed 7:10 am, and he groaned, flopping back towards George. He draped an arm over the other boy and snuggled into the warm crook of his neck, eyes shutting contentedly. It was much, much too early.

But Dream couldn't sleep.

There was a nudging in the back of his head that refused to go away, making it impossible to relax. His heart beat faster and his mind raced. Confused and slightly disoriented from exhaustion, he sat up, carefully making sure not to wake George. He racked his brain, trying to think of what could possibly be wrong.

And then the memory flew into his mind like a jet and he audibly groaned. He regretted it a second after, warily looking at George to make sure he was still asleep.

He was, thankfully, a trickle of drool trailing its way down his chin. A smile found its way onto Dream's face; even through his stress, he found George adorable.

Dream wasn't completely sure why the thought of doing an announcement video scared him so much. Why shouldn't he be jumping with joy at the thought of bragging to millions of people how he of all people had gotten George to like him? Why should he care if a few people weren't supportive? The majority of his fans would die from happiness, he thought wryly.

And it wasn't about the thought of showing his face, because he wasn't. He had a smiley mask that he had decided he would wear, much to the amusement of George, who had laughed at him for ages when he put it on.

The sudden thought that he was scared of being too open about his feelings to his viewers popped into his mind. He had always been joking and laughing with George, trying to get him to say he loved him back on camera, but he had never mentioned anything on camera that was really going on inside his head. He had always been camera shy about showing his face, and now showing his feelings as well.

He carefully slid out of bed, deciding he was being silly. Why shouldn't he tell them? Why was he so afraid? He shook his head at himself, then, sneaking one last fond glance at George, discreetly left the room as quietly as possible as to not wake the sleeping boy.


"You ready?" asked Dream.

George's face was pulled into a tight, anxious mask, and he looked even more scared than Dream felt. He made a concentrated effort to stop fidgeting in his seat and took a deep breath. "Yeah."

Dream nodded, giving him a reassuring smile that didn't encapsulate in any way the anxiety he was feeling inside. He slid the mask on, making sure it was fastened securely. "Three.. two.. one." He turned the camera on, and the red light started flickering, indicating it was recording.

"Today's video, as you can see, is a little different," said George, reading off the script they had propped on the vase of roses on the dining table.

"We actually have a really big announcement," Dream continued, his voice slightly muffled by his mask. "I'm sure most of you will be really excited to hear this." He let out a short laugh at that. 'Really excited' was an understatement.

"We wanted to let you know because we felt you deserved to," said George.

"And because we knew you guys would probably find out anyway," added Dream, chuckling. He snuck a glance at George, whose face was still pale with nerves. He gave his hand a reassuring squeeze under the table; he knew how hard this was for him. George was a very private person, and Dream knew that disclosing something this big to millions of people was absolutely terrifying to him.

Angels (DreamNotFound/Gream)Where stories live. Discover now