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"Clint..." Wanda murmured as she suddenly collapse and was in time caught by Hawkeye whose worried for his close friend. "Uhm... I feel dizzy all of a sudden..." Dr. Strange spoke as his vision suddenly blurred and Pepper was able to caught him in time too.

"Mom..." Wiccan muttered as he tried going close to his mother but abruptly stopped as his knees wobbled and Speed caught his twin in time. "Woah! Hey William! Hey!" Speed hurriedly taps his twin's cheeks, he looks for his pulse and let out a deep breathe when he felt thumps.

"What's wrong with them!?" Iron Man & Captain America finally arrived at the scene where their supernatural allies are unconscious. Clint shook his head. "We don't know either, they just suddenly fainted." Tony and Steve looked at one another and nod.

"Let's go back to the base..." All of them nod as they help one another in gently carrying their allies. As both the iconic duo watch their friends figure slowly move away, Tony heavily sigh and pinch the bridge of his nose. "... What the hell is going on."


"Nightwing..." Grayson pulled his head up and gasp but hurriedly took action when he saw Koriandr' suddenly fainting. "What the..."

"... Bullocks..." Constantine muttered and groan when he felt excruciating pain somewhere. "Constantine..." His blue eyes hazed a little but was still able to caught a slowly floating Zatanna whose suddenly unconscious.

He grunt in pain and tried opening his eyes that suddenly turned white and he fainted as well, still holding Zatanna tightly.

"Raven!?" Damain caught her just in time and saw her suddenly shivering, he clicked his tongue and removed his hooded cloak and wrapped it around her, adding warmth as much as possible. "Diana!" Both siblings looked at Batman who holds a suddenly unconscious Wonder Woman with a unreadable expression on his facade yet they know deeply he is worried for her.

"What happen to them!?" Tim hissed as he looks at their magician allies. Batman now carried Wonder Woman bridal style and looked at everyone. "Let's put them at the moment in the Hall of Justice... people are now staring..."

Every superhero ignored the press and flashes of image as they hurriedly run away from the paparazzi.

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