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"GAH!" She jolt awake from shock and was suddenly hyperventilating and whimpered when someone gently touched both her shoulders.

"Beloved... hey..." Her dark brown black eyes quiverly looked at the hazy figure then she sigh in relief on who it was. "Dami..." He gently hugged her as she buried her face on his chest, where his insignia is placed.

"You were screaming..." He said sadly and worried painted upon his face. He removed his domino mask revealing his emerald eyes that she fell in love with in the beginning.

She pull away from the hug and he caress her shaking hands. "I... someone was saying something... I can't..." Damian frown even more and nodded.

"Hey its okay... take deep breathe loves.." She meekly nod and gently get her breathing back. Damian smile small. "You okay now..?" Rose smile and nodded. "Yeah... thanks Dami..."

He hummed and lean his forehead on your bare shoulder, your hooded cape on the side table. "Dami...?" "I didn't ask you to join the League of Assassins just because I think your great... I asked you to join me so that you can stay by my side... and that I.... I have feelings for you..."

Her brown eyes widen slightly in shock but smile affectionately, letting her tired hands linger on his spiky hair. "I... have feelings for you too Dami..." Damian buried himself even more to her shoulder that she let out a giggle. "Hey~! Your hair~!"

He chuckled and pull away slightly. His emerald eyes meeting her soft brown ones. "Your really beautiful you know that.." She blushed a little and put her other hand on his cheek. "So I've been told..."

"So... are you guys gonna kiss or not?" Both flinched then blushed while Damian growl and dangerously eye the entrance. "Red." Rose glance at the door to see her-sorry-their youngest member besides Andwrea.

He was casually wearing his black long sleeved uniform with chains dangling on his black cargo pants and dirty black combat boots, he was even wearing a mask this time. No one really knows why though.

"Hey leader." He said through the mask and Rose rolled her eyes. "Jung is your leader, remember." He scoffed and frown beneath the mask. "Her? Please, she couldn't last a second under pressure. Unlike you." Rose frown and gently push herself away from the bed with the help of Damian.

"You don't mean that.." She said softly, and again he scoffed and crossed his arms. "You know i'm a blunt person and I don't give two sh*ts about others feelings." Rose sigh while Damian clicked his tongue.

"Tt, drop your facade kid." Red's eyes darken. "Are you mocking me." Before they could both speak, Rose went between them. "I may not be your leader Red but that doesn't mean I won't stop your fights."

Wang Min-Sung, his real name growled but stood up straight and spoke his final words. "Go to the training grounds, its chaotic there. See you love birds."

"Where are you going." Wang shrugged his shoulder and lazily wave his hand as he walk from the opposite direction.

"He is a splitting image of Loki." Damian clicked his tongue as he aid his lover from walking to the Avenger's training grounds. "Look on the bright side, atleast he is one of us." It was his turn to scoff. "Apparently,"

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