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Andrwea Jung, Wang-Min Sung, Theo Strange, Luna Rosette and their ex-marksman Aurora Queen looks worriedly at the unconscious siblings.

Not only that but to the recent magician, myth-related and even their alien superheroes are unconscious. The only ones battling this phenomeno are Dr. Strange, Thor and Raven who are struggling.

The remaining Young Justice, Nakomoto Miko was a wreck when she heard her mentor, Storm was unconscious as well and was not in the Avenger HQ but at the X-men facility.

Beast Boy her boyfriend and Robin, her older adopted brother tries to comfort her as much as she can, and Alyssa Aulion kept fidgeting as everyone is pressured.

"Hey... you okay..?" Flash, Barry Allen asked Wally's lover as Alyssa shooked her head. "I'm nervous..." He nodded and let her bury her face on his shoulders. "The others are doing what they can..."

He said, unable to say anything after and just simply hug her.


Raven, Speed and Dr. Strange looked up from the main HQ and looked to see a staggering God of Thunder, whose eyes are heavily drooping.

"Uh-m-All my citize- are-asleep- I'll- take-a--!" Before he could harshly hit the ground, Strange's fancy coat got him in time and float to the medical ward where all the unconscious heroes are as well.

Dr. Strange hit his palms hardly on the large hologram table and entered Theo who was worried and had to aid beside their dad. "Dad.." Strange's hollowed eyes glance at their black ones and huff a little.

"... I'm at my limit... where's..."


Maximus Allen was in front of the tired sorcerer and frown sadly. "I put a satellite device on every location to where the Greek Gods were found before they disappear."

Speed clicked on the keyboards and rose the hologram images on where Dash put in the coordinates...

"Is that...? Computer trace all the coordinates." Once confirmed, it lit up and it was shape like... "Isn't that the symbol of the witches...? I always saw it in Wiccan's." Theo said and slightly whine when they felt something itchy on their back.

Tlack! Tlack!

Entered Arsenal, Red Hood, with their protege. Beast Boy and Miko also entered. "Have you guys found anything?" Garfield asked and Raven sigh tiredly.

"Just this," She shows a witch symbol and she had to groan as she felt excruciating headache. "Raven..." Theo muttered and had stand behind her when they notice she was falling.

"'M... okay..." They shook their head. "No your not... if you need to be unconscious then be so... we'll wake you up... I promise..." They said and Raven hoarsly chuckle. "Always the worried one huh..." Her dark eyes softly closed as Theo carries her bridal style and was about to bring her in the medical room when there was Brandon Fury who was smiling sadly and took Raven in their arms.

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