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Rose Maximoff suddenly sat up which shocked a tired Theo, a baffled marksman Aura and a crying telepathy Alyssa.

"ROSE!" Aura and Alyssa cried as both hugged a still shock Maximoff daughter. Theo dropped their spell casting book and sniffled a cry.

"We- we thought...!" Rose's eyes suddenly pool with tears and she hugged the both of them, tightly.


"SIS!" Both girls pull away as Rose was then hugged tightly, but this time it was her older brothers. "SHIT! WE THOUGHT-!" Adrian just buried his face on her neck as Speed inhale her messy hair.

She shakingly hug them and cried even more. "What... happen..." She asked hoarsely and that was Theo's cue to explain and Aura to give her a glass of water which Rose thankfully chug, literally.

"I use Wiccan's and my casting books to try and save you as much as we can... Seiko can't risk using his powers to resurrect you and Damian... won't allow you to jump on the Lazarus Pit.."

Theo sighed heavily and Rose smile small. "Thank you... Theo... Strange will be so proud of you..." This made Theo teary eyed and she stretch out an arm...

Where there's a huge scar on it and she glance at her stomach to see a huge gash there. But she ignore that and smile genuinely at a crying Theo.



"I-I...!" "Shh... It's okay..." She soothes their damp black short hair, knowing full well they did everything they could to bring her back to life... especially what she went through...


Brown tired eyes met widen green domino mask. "Beloved...!" Theo gently pull away from Rose as all made space for Robin to enter...

She smiles softly as he remove his domino mask and reveal blood shot emerald eyes.. "Hi..." She softly said and she was suddenly hugged comfortingly yet tightly by her lover.

"Don't do that...! Please..!" He whimpered on her shoulder and she nod slowly, hugging him back. "Come on... let's give them space..." Adrian said and gently tap both his sister and Damian's shoulder as they all walk out of the medical ward.


Damian sat by her side as she gently put her head on his warm chest. "What happen to me...?" She asked again and Damian heavily sigh, and bury his face on her messy hair.



Her body was suddenly engulfed in red mist and yellow celestials clouds, everyone had to shield themselves from the brightness.

"WHO DARES KILL MY VESSEL?!" The familiar voice echoed through the lab and then all chosen superheroes eyes glowed a particular color.

"It was Gemini's vessel." Spoken the Scorpion, inside Alyssa's body. "We're just in time then..." Spoke Sapphire, as the Virgo vessel.

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