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Damian and Adrian were shocked when Rose was suddenly drained in soda. She huffed and glance at her shoulder to see giggling girls and snickering boys.

"Why-!" Damian was about to throw a dagger at them when Adrian stopped him and had to cover Rose's eyes when it started glowing.

"Losers! HAHAHAAH!" The girls snort like a pig which practically annoyed Adrian and was pulling the two pissed lovers.

"Both of you need to act my age." Rose patiently waits as Adrian removes the liquid from herself- perks of having a elite atlantian brother. Damian scoffed and crossed his arms.

"Why are we at college again?"

"To protect the stupid teenagers." All heads turn to see Maximus and Sapphire who... are also wet and... have feathers around them. Rose blinked and helped Adrian remove the feathers.

"UGH I HATE IT HERE!" "OW!" Rose hissed when she hit Sapphire's eyes and apologize, she was shocked at the outburst of none other than Andrwea Jung and a muttering Red followed by furious Miko Nakomoto and a calm Brandon Fury with bawling Theo.

"THOSE GIRLS ARE MEAN TO THEO!" Miko's hands started to burst in flames that Adrian had to throw water at her hands. "Dude no elements!" Miko whine and stomp as Sapphire crossed her arms.

"Why are we doing this again." Brandon frowned at his team. "To see if there is a shifter nearby or a villian. We've been over this." They all deadly glare at Brandon who laugh nervously.

"For a chief of Avengers you sure know how to keep your cool." Sarcastically said by Luna and everyone hiss when they saw she was covered in food greases.

"... I take it back I DON'T LIKE IT HERE!" Brandon dramtized and eveyone gave him a deadpan look. "Oh! There you guys are!"

Exclaimed by Peter Parker, with a understanding look from Alyssa and Wally. "Woah... what happen to you guys..?"

Andrwea growled and clenched the collar of Parker. "ISN'T IT OBVIOUS?! YOUR COLLEGE GIRLS ARE MEAN TO US!" "WOAH!" Luna hissed when she saw how roughly Andrwea pushed Peter who groan.

Rose just sighed and spoke. "Okay. Let's all calm down, clean yourselves. Let's check our comms." Everyone opened theirs.

'Hey Dawn and I are at the gym, we heard noises coming from Beast Boy's comm. We're on our way there.' Aurora said as she and Dawn continued to walk.

'Beast Boy what's the status?' Brandon asked as Beast Boy turns into a dog then a raccoon then a mice then himself, as he follows someone. 'They're going somewhere. Meet me in this location.'

They all looked at their comms and thanked Beast Boy. 'Back up is on its way. Be careful.' Arsenal voice echoed and all went to Beast Boy's location.

Once they were at Beat Boy's location, he screamed and hit hard Brandon's chest. "DUDE WHAT'S THE MATTER?!" Beast Boy pointed out.


"INCOMIINNNGGG!" Beast boy screamed as a blob of liquid lunges towards them fast. Rose removed the fake patch of the school logo and she was already in her uniform and in one hand, blocked the blob as it spilled on the floor.

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