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Black Hunter growled even more when he noticed the striped deer huffing out air through its nose. Ash glance at everyone to notice that their aura changed.

"Your at Wakanda Black Hunter now..." Ash wore the pendant and she engulfed both her hands with immense power of red mist and galaxy.

Hunter flinched and he growled. "THEY EVEN GAVE THEIR POWERS TO YOU?! I'LL KILL YOU!" He screamed as more demons appeared everywhere.

Every Avengers and Justice League circled each other and Robin's shoulder touched Ash's. "Nice outfit you got there." Ash just rolled his eyes. "It represents the celestials."

"Where's..." Nike frown sadly as Ash softly smiled at her. "I'll tell you later right now... we need to end Hunter." Demons swarmed them and Brandon clicked his tongue.

"Great! It tripled- quadruple! We will never get Hunter in time!"


All heads turn to see a glowing blue mist, accompanied with many portals, red mist floating, machinery bolts everywhere.

Hunter growled and floated and his eyes widen. "IT CAN'T BE-!" Hunter was suddenly wrapped in ropes and he growled when he saw Wonder Woman smirking at him.

Brandon was about to electrocute a demon when it was dusted away by green blast.

His eyes widen and he almost cried on the spot to see a awake- Starfire. "Hey love..." She said softly ro Brandon who suddenly hugged her which she did too. "Fuck! Your finally alive!"

"Dad!" Theo float to Dr. Strange and hugged him which shocked Strange but he chuckled and hug him back. "Sapphire!" All exclaimed to see a healthy animal-shifter smirking.

"How...?!" Ash's eyes widen in realization and she looked at a smirking Robin. "You let her be the back up..." He nod, "Rose! Adrien!" The Maximoff siblings twist their head to see a crying mother and twins.

"Mom!" Both exclaimed as they all hugged one another and almost tumbling. This put a smile on Robin. "Damian!" The assasin's eyes widen and he was suddenly engulfed by his brothers and being teased, as their father smile.

Miko stood their awkwardly and Batman noticed. Beast Boy gently pushed her towards them and all Bat brothers looked at her fidgeting figure.

"U-Uhm..." Damian smirked and she pulled them towards their hug. "I'm not gonna suffer this alone." Miko's eyes widen as Tim and Jason snickered and ruffled his long hair.

Storm landed in front of the hugging siblings and Miko grinned and hugged a relief Storm. "... I overcame my fear of flames..." Storm's eyes widen but she smiled. "I'm proud of you!"

She let out a genuine smile and Beast Boy chuckled. Jason pulled away and went to Aurora who suddenly caught him off-guard as she hugged him. "I'm so glad to see you..!" She sniffed and Jason chuckled as Arsenal shook his head.

"We brought extras." Arsenal gave Aurora a bag geared with arrows and Jason also gave her bullets. "YOUR FREAKING ALIVE!" Tony screamed and hugged his cousin who was gasping for air but nonetheless smiled.

She saw Peter who removed his mask and he was covered in many bruises but he wave small at her as she did too- tried.

"Someones misses you..." Dr. Strange said which made Theo confused but then furiously blush when they were suddenly hugged by none other than Raven. "Your alive..." She muttered and they hugged Raven as well. "I kept my promise didn't I..."

"You both look like shit!" Flash said to both his nephews who laughed as Alyssa giggle and was also joined in the group hug.

"Brandon 'Zeus' Fury!" Brandon gulped and hid behind Starfire who was smiling sheepishly as they saw Fury walking fast towards them. "That was reckless! Foolish! And utterly unacceptable of you jumping in without a proper plan!"

Brandon frown at this but was shocked when Nick Fury hugged and tap his shoulders firmly. "Yet... I am glad you are alive..." Brandon's eyes quiver but he nodded and hugged Nick fury.

Thor suddenly appeared in front of a scowling Red and he glance up to see a glaring deer. Thor looked again at his niece. He gently rose his hands and gently clench his shoulder.

Red glance at Thor who was smirking. "Loki would be proud of you.." His red eyes widen and he chuckled. "You know I'm gonna beat you someday..." Thor chuckled at that. "Then that means I'm forgiven by you then."

Red shrug his shoulder as the deer huff. "More or less." Thor grin genuinely relief that his niece is alive.

Sapphire smiled at the site and T'challa ruffled Dawn's short hair. "You did good little panther. You did good..."

"NO! NO! NO!" Hunter screamed and thrash and Wonder Woman had to let go of Hunter when she is almost to be engulfed with flames.

"Bloody Hell that was a good nap!" All heads turn to see a smirking Constantine with Zatanna and every superhero who came to their aid.

All the awaken superheroes smirked at one another and Rose glance at Steve. "What about the demons..?!" Batman spoke.

"Half of the Guardians of the Galaxy and Captain Marvel are fine protecting the galaxy. Half of Justice League and Avengers are on their near destinations."

Hunter Black groan and shook his head violently as he felt himself growing weaker. 'Hey! All coasts are clear!' Quill's voice echoed through their comms and Tony nod at Dr. Strange who floated and started to open multiple portals.

Hunter Black created more flames and demons but he gasped and this shocked the few demons as all superheroes showed themselves.

"We're just in time then!" Robin twirled his katana upwards as the Titans stood beside him. Beast Boy and Sapphire shifted into panthers as they yowl and the Outsiders smirked.

The Justice League and Avengers emitted their stance as so did the youngsters.

Ash smile wide in relief and Wanda frowned as she noticed Luna's pendant. "Rose where's Luna..." Adrian frown sadly as Rose cast her eyes away. "She... sacrificed her life to open the portal between the Astral dimension..."

Wanda's eyes widen and Wiccan frown, even Speed. Ash clenched the pendant and swiftly face Hunter whose seething at them all. She rose her hand and emitted mist with star-like flames on them.

"I will find her. I promised her." Wanda smiled and the twins smirked as Speed protrude a white lightning and Wiccan floated letting a book float in front of him and Wanda emitting her own mist as well.

"Want to deal him personally again?" Nike asked behind her mask as she raise both her small kunai knives with her team preparing their powers and weapons.

Hydro smiled when he saw Mera and King Aquaman casting their own powers. Adrian twirled his trident as it glowed dark blue and his tattoo as well.

Ash looked at Hunter and the demons started running at them. The heroes then started to float, run and even lunge at them as they released a victorious scream.

"YOUR MINE!" Hunter screamed as he flew towards Ash who growled and started to throw large slashes at him who was unable to dodge and he hiss.

"We should call our name The Baddest!" Brandon said to Hydro as their backs touched. "Uhm no! Focus dude!" Adrian threw large waves at the demons and was suddenly iced and he glare at a smirking Brandon.

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