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Zatanna screech as Black Canary took a hold of the magician's shoulder, holding her still as they look at their other ally. A young petite woman whose head is bowed down, her black eyes lingering on the magnificent red machinery boots.

"We don't like replacing her-!"

"Bullshit!" It was now Flash's turn to speak-more like cuss under his breath as he looked at them furious. "Their just kids!" Oliver said aiding his best friend as the other frowns and scoff.

"OUR KIDS, that serves as the symbol of peace-who just happens-" They looked at the stiffen figure of their leader, whose hands are clenched tighter than ever, lips sealed until it'll bruise tomorrow morning, eyes held... guilt.

"-to ruin it by LOOSING CONTR-!" They coughed as a purple and black mist surrounded their necks and all looked at Raven's glowing white eyes. "RAVEN! STAND DOWN!" Damian and Dick demanded at the same time and the dark magician growls but stopped and let her victims hit the ground harshly whose now intaking the necessary oxygen and aided by their wife.

"That's enough." A booming voice echoed and they went in front of their young leader. "Look up..." He demanded yet softly. They weakly pull their head up as they gently removed her insignia on her superhero costume.

".... I'm sorry..." They said and she run pass by them. "Ah-!" Wanda was about to call them but was stopped by Clint who softly shook his head though he knows he can't ease the mother instincts of Wanda...

"... I hope it's worth it." Batman said and turn their back to them, his cape fluttering slightly. "... Though... it was NOT WORTH seeing what we saw." Batman nod to Superman who also nod in acknowledgement.

"Let's move out everyone." Cyborg then started typing on his mechanical arm and one by one, everyone is being Zeta-tubed away from them. Once their other allies were finally away, a particular boy-teen frowned at his senior.

"... Mr. Stark... you shouldn't have done that." Iron Man's tired eyes met Peter Parker's angry brown eyes. "Like I said. It was a unanimous vote-I'm not the only one you should be blaming."

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