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Rose eyes blurred at first then slowly cleared and notice a worried Seiko. "Finally..." He sigh as he gently sat up her.

Rose blinked and notice she was wearing greek-ly night clothes and she had to shriek and cover herself, as... they were to evident..

Seiko blinked then blush as he finally took notice of her clothes and his that he had to look away but then frown at their surroundings. "We're not at the lab.."

He said as he pull Rose up on her bare feet and notice that they're standing on the surface of ocean. "Where are we... and... what are these..?"

Rose raised her arms and notice black marks on her skin and face as it reflects on the water, and Seiko noticed it as well and he frowns.


Both heads raise to see a chariot running towards them and saw... "Hunter...!?" Rose gasp even more when they pass through them, literally.

"I warn you didn't I boy." They look up and Rose growl emitting glow orbs on her hands. "You!" She hissed and Seiko's eyes widen. "You've seen him??" Rose raise an eyebrow at Seiko. "Him? Wait. You see it too?"

The deer striped laugh and its hooves hit the ocean floor, emitting circular waves beneath their feet. "I am the descendant of Loki's bloodline, I am inside Red's body and as yours as well."

The scenery change into flaming background which shocked both superheroes as they see flailing and screaming villagers. "What..." Rose gagged a little when he saw Hunter Black's eyes gleaming with fury as he fought and slash the innocent.

".. And so is Hunter Black..."

"No way...!" Red said in disbelief and the scenery changed... it was the celestial figures surrounding a begging Hunter Black whose covered in blood and bruises and holding... "Is that...?" Rose cried a little and brought her hands on her mouth, muffling her sobs.

He was cradling a sweetly smiling little girl on his scratched arms and was looking deadly at the celestial spirits. "PLEASE SAVE HER!" Rose looked at a flaming magi whose ram horns protrude larger.

"Aries..." Rose muttered and the striped deer stomp its foot and the scene shifted. The magi battling with a crying Hunter whose outreaching his hand to the small one... drowning in the waves of Aquarius.

"The young girl tried to crack the forbidden spell between mere deitys and immortals.. her punishment was drowning.."



Rose and Seiko flinched at Hunter's cackle and she noticed his eyes shifting to golden and black. He stumbled as he gets up, still cackling...

"They said they love us... that damn four letters..." He muttered as his hand emitted crackles of flames. Leo frowns at this and hurriedly shifted into a lion.

"So did you... but you sugar-coat it with 'love' everytime..." His eyes were full blown golden as he let out a sinister smirk.

"It's pain...!"


"I'LL MAKE YOU SUFFER!" He was suddenly covered in blue flames as Red noticed a blindfolded magi shielded all the celestial spirits by using a casting spell.

Hunter growled and scream as he was engulfed by large roots and completely covering him whole like a seed, clouds and mist of black surrounded it as the celestial spirits suddenly turn into dust and be a shooting star.

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