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A dark voice said but all the twelve mages just frown at the standing deity. "WE SAID NO!" A huff of voice clashed with thunders of the clouds surrounding them.

The deity had tears around his black eyes and continued to beg the magi. "Please-I beg of you-she's dyi-!" The deity was silence by a splash of fire hitting his tatoo marked cheek.

His bum hit the fluffy clouds as he shakingly cupped his bloddy cheek. "We said it again and we will say it again, our mind is made up. Go back to where you came from. Deity of War."

A powerful lady magi spoke who has large horns of a ram glistened with flames, her orange eyes gaze darkenly upon the slouched diety.

"We, the magi councils banish you from the celestial realms. I will escort you back to the underworld- where Hades awaits you." A strong man whose holding an ax, suddenly stood in front of the deity.

This made the deity frown and furiously laugh-then bitter which made the tweleve magi's stiff and prepare themselves.

"... YOU ASK FOR IT- AHHHHHHHH!" Portals started opening everywhere, stick figure-like shadows erupt everywhere catching them off guard, tainting them with their own blood and bruises as they try to fight.


Different elements clashed with their enemies but it all keeps popping out of the portals. "Hihih..." The deity left a cruel chuckle as he throws his own magic to the ax-man whose dodging and blocking it.

The side of his face and eyes glowed flames as his flames turned black and red. "If you won't help me... THEN I'LL TAKE YOUR THRONES!" He started to cast spells as the magi's are now bruised and being trapped by the stick-figures who suddenly transforms.

A young marksman boy struggled and growl. "ARIES! DO SOMETHING!" He screamed at the lady powerful magi and she spat out a lot of blood as the stick figure gutted her stomach.

"ARIES!" The ax-man screamed and suddenly... turned into a Bull, smashing the upcoming figure sticks but was swallowed. "NO!" Another lady shreek, this made the deity laughed as a glow emit from the trapped lady.

"Oh- a lion~!" The deity sarcasticly said as the young lady charged but was suddenly hovered in the air, gasping for life source. "LEO!" Aries clenched her teeth and used her blood to make a portal... but not any portal.

"Iveg em rouy efil ecousr!" She cast loud as hues of mist suddenly surrounds her created portal. This made the deity furious and dropped the limp lion.

Aries' eyes glow red and slowly did her body. "'Lit ouy leef eth esirnus. Ekil eth teah fo thousands sdansouth erif.. esu rou teab ot esu yb nesohc enos!"

This made the deity even more furious and run towards Aries but was stopped by golden chains suddenly erupted amongst the clouds. "NO!" The deity screamed but was muffled as his mouth now covered by metal coils.

Aries reached out her bloodied hand and flame erupts on it as the different hues went somewhere. "tel rouy sreat eb eth yek..!"

The deity was suddenly engulfed by roots and rock and then by the clouds as Aries's last dying breathe and her casted spell now dissapears amongst the clouds.

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"GAH!" A teenage black hair boy gasped for air as he suddenly sat up from his now sweaty bed. He looked beside to see his sister and twin sleeping soundlessly.

He frown and groan lowly as he felt a deep pain in his chest. "What..." He sighed and gaze at the half moon by their window.. he rose an eyebrow when he notice the clouds were swirling around it..

"What's going on..." He whispered to himself, but sleep took a toll on his body and he decided to leave the mystery be...

A flash of aurora suddenly erupt everywhere, coloring the sleeping bodies of the superheroes, it almost looks they are covering them.


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