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note- another dedication to our King. Yibambe!


His sister exclaimed to herself as she gave the Young Avengers and Justice League their regular costumes but with vibranium.

"ITS SO LIGHT!" Aurora commented and Shuri put out digital target slots. "Try it." Aurora pulled out three electronic arrows and all fastly hit the center.

"Woah!" Aurora exclaimed and she smirked. "I am loving it!" Nike squealed as she now holds two swords coated in vibranium. "This is amazing!" She said as she made them twirl. "Look at me!" She rose her mask by her nose and she suddenly dissapear.

"I can dissapear!" She removed her face mask as her eyes twinkled. Miko was just playing her favorite elementals and Alyssa stood beside her. "What do you want."

She just smile softly and took a deep breath. "I was actually scared of ice." Miko blinked and she slightly laugh. "That's like the subtype of water elemental." She nodded. "True but... just like Rose... I was experimented on..."

Miko frown. "I'm... sorry to hear that." Alyssa shrug her shoulders. "Meh its fine. I've gotten better control of it anyway." Miko nodded and she noticed a particular tattoo on her fingers.

"You've got a lot of tattoos there..." Alyssa giggled and she observe them. "Yeah.. they have sentimentals on them." Alyssa gently lifted a finger where a bolt symbol is there, she then remembered how Wally was to chicken to ask her out that Nightwing, his best friend asked him out instead- on behalf of him that is.

"... What are you trying to say?" Miko asked and Alyssa patted her shoulder. "Use it when you really need to. Lying or acting your way out of it won't get you nowhere.. and besides."

Alyssa pointed to Brandon whose testing out his vibranium costume, twirling and twisting large blasts of elements. "Your not the only one who has fear of the elements. We both do too."

Alyssa walked away and went beside a squealing Nike who was happily showing off to Luna whose busy tightening the straps of her shoe.

Miko slightly smile and slowly... emitted small crackles on her palm. "Hey... Miko..." She rose her head and saw a sad Beast Boy whose scratching the back of his neck.

"I-I'm sorry of what I said earlier... will you forgive me..?" Miko smile and she ponder for a bit. "Hmm.. if you take me out on a date and give me sweets I'll consider your apology~?" Beast Boy's eyes perk as he lets out a grin.

"Really?!" "Hmm nope!" This made Beast boy whine but Miko giggled and she kissed his cheek. "I already forgave you silly... but I do want a date~" Beast boy blushed and he smiled cutely.

"Sure I'll take you out on a date!" As they started chatting and showing affection with one another, Rose smiled weakly as she gently puts on her mother's uniform...

"Are you okay Maximoff?" She looked up and saw T'challa whose in his costume and she just smile painfully. "I just want to get this over with..." T'challa frowns as he stood beside her and looked at the interaction of her old team.

"It is not easy being a leader.. as being a King as well." Rose glance at him who was smiling sadly. "My father... trusted me to protect my kingdom, I am even willing to fight for my life just to save Wakanda."

He gently put a hand on her shoulder. "Wanda will be so proud of you... You inherited her superhero name, and even if Shuri offered you her costume tech- you preferred your mothers clothes. Shuri was somehow offended but she respected it nonetheless."

T'challa and Rose chuckle and giggle, respectively and she sigh. "I... I've been like a damsel in distress... even though I was suppose to be a role model for the team..." T'challa shook his head firmly.

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