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note- it might get nasty.


Ash's team all screamed in agony as they cough a gush of black liquid and green electrodes. "NO!" Ash growled and she let out slashes to Hunter who swiftly dodges.

He chuckled crazily as Ash looked at everyone and sigh in relief as they are standing on their feet but stiff when the black liquid moved and demons manifesting inside them.

"SHIT!" Hydro cuss as he realizes what's happening. "IT'S JUST LIKE THE CELESTIAL SPIRITS! ITS OUR COUNTERPARTS!" Red growl as his sword clashed with his double-self, his enemy. Phoenix groan when her counterpart started punching and kicking her with the same power she has.

Brandon spat out a blood as he smirked and cracked his knuckles as he look at his counterpart, emitting lightning on its hands. "I like a challenge. AHHH!"

Ash started throwing bolts at Hunter Black who either blocks or throw his flames at her. She twirled her hands and Hunter groaned when his shoulder burnt and gashed blood. He growled as he looked at his stained hand.

Ash crouched a little as she emits her hands with mist. "What are you willing to loose?" She frowned at this as Hunter Black started throwing multiple flames at her that she had to block it but hiss when small flames burned her outreached arms.

He chuckled crazily as he continues to do this. Demons started surrounding her that she had to outreach her hands to the other side. "ROSE!" Hydro noticed but had to block his counterparts trident and he screamed in pain when he was suddenly electrocuted.

"HANG ON BUDDY!" Dash screamed and was almost instantaneous on aiding Hydro but was punched and kick by his counterpart that made him throw back. He instantly crouched and spat the blood on the side of his mouth, his counterpart doing the same.

"OH! ITS ON!" Dash vibrated himself as he protrudes many lightnings and so did his shadow, he run ahead and so did the other, multiple lightnings everywhere.


Their arrows hitting one another and Aura groan in pain when her shadow's arrow hit her shoulder and it started to burn. She hurriedly removes it and was about to get another arrow when she noticed she's empty-handed.

"Damn it!" She cursed and had to roll when her shadow continues to throw arrows at her. She prepared both her guns and started firing at it but was swiftly dodging it.

Theo started to use offense as their counterpart continues to throw broken shards at them. They screamed when a portal tries to pull them in but their cape drags them out. "Phew! Thanks-!" The cape fluttered and they were suddenly punched by their shadow.

Phoenix gasped for air as her throat was being pushed down by her counterpart who was grinning crazily, then it spoke. "You cover your wounds but underneath them.." All their counterpart's eyes glowed red and all clutched their heads even Hellfire.

Ash noticed the tension and was about to aid them all when Hunter Black started punching her shield. "YOU CAN RUN BUT YOU CAN'T HIDE HAHAHHAHAHH!" She was starting to loose energy as she helplessly looked at her team.

Miko screamed in pain and she noticed that her ears were bleeding. Hellfire's eyes flickered white as she tries aiding her comrades.

'It's useless...!'

'Stop.. now!'

'Get out of my head!'

'Alyssa... help!'

Millions voices echoed throughout as Ash continues to defend herself. Nike, despite the excruciating pain she's feeling, she growled and throw her swirling knives at everyone's counterpart who dodges and they all glare at them.

Nike huffed and ripped her large shuriken as it turns now into a knuckle-weapon. Her counterpart laughed and growled. It protrude large swirl swords behind it and Nike puff an air a little. Miko shook her head and protrude fast lightning as her shadow engulf her arms and hands in flames.

"Go after Rose!" Brandon said to Red who nod curt and was about to run towards the swarming demons when his counterpart suddenly-!


-thrust its sword on his stomach. He coughed a lot of blood but he clenched his teeth. It withdraw the sword and splashed Red's blood somewhere. Red clenched his pierced stomach yet raises his sword, he smirked. "Come at me.." And they both lunge.

Ash's knees buckled as the demons continue to scratch her flickering shield. They all made a path for Hunter Black to witness her doom. "You should have taken my offer, my Aphrodite.." She clenched her teeth as she groans in pain.

Hellfire and Phoenix's shoulder touched as they gasp for huge amount of oxygen, their counterpart not even breaking a sweat as they're in battle mode. "Well kid..." Hellfire spoke to Phoenix who was listening but gazing her determined eyes at her shadow. It's their reflection trying to pull them down..

"So are you gonna die today or make it out alive...?" Hellfire knows Phoenix's answer and she just smirked and engulf her shaking hands with bolts. "You know what they say.. Fly, Phoenix...!" She let her body be engulfed with immense energy as she flew at her shadow who blocked her fist in time.

"FLY!" She screamed and started to throw bolts at it but continues to dodge using misty shield or run. Hellfire smirked and released ice on her hands. "Never thought I'd get to use you..." Her counterpart lunge at her but she swiftly dodge and start to throw icicles at it.

"GET OUT OF MY WAY!" Hydro said to his counterpart who didn't budge but spoke. "It's time for a new empire!" It lunge and Hydro grunt when he slashed his shoulder using the trident, he rose his hand and waves pushed it away but it also calmed it.

Hunter Black sigh as he place his hand on her shield and it suddenly cracked. In slow motion, Ash's eyes widen and her body was suddenly covered by the demons. "ROSE!" Hydro screamed but-



His body suddenly hit the ground, his head was... somewhere.. He gushed out blood and the deafening scream of Rose echoed as she was suddenly being devoured, blood pooling beneath the demons as Hunter Black laugh like a maniac, enjoying the unexpected scene unfold.

"... H-HYDR-GAH!" Red coughed out a lot of blood as his sword clang beside him... his body suddenly separating. Miko let out tears as her knees buckled, she clenched her head and she let out an anguish cry, her elements suddenly going everywhere but her body is being engulfed in flames that it reached the other demons.

The Avengers saw the scene unfold and Phoenix's eyes glowed fiery red than ever.


Phoenix body glowed monstrous, Dash tried running to her, his hand outreaching, Hellfire had to use her telepathic spell to cover everyone, Theo was floating towards her with a spell cast on his hand, Aura and Brandon are lunge towards a laughing Hunter Black.

Fly, Phoenix, Fly.

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