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An animal copy mechanism superhero said frustrated while the brown hair girl was easily distracted.

Dawn Fae, a black girl with short white hair groan even more when her ally is not paying attention. "Miko!" She scolded and the Miko, an elemental user blinked and smile goofily.

"What?" The proud superhero said who likes showing her body, wearing a sleeveless buttoned black crop shirt and black tight pants with buckles on it, finalizing with black combat boots.

Sapphire- or Dawn Fae sighed and pinch the bridge of her nose. "How are we suppose to find the other gods and goddesses if we don't know where to start?!"

She flail her arms while Miko hummed still eyeing their background. "Why not manipulate their animals?" Sapphire blinked and looked at Miko's crazy idea who is yet again smiling at her.

"... I swear you are like the splitting image of Starfire.." She said while Miko shrugged. "I'll take that as a compliment then." She hummed and Sapphire sigh for the- we lost count on how many times she has been sighing.

"Okay! How about this. Let's cross out first the gods we encountered. There's Zeus, Aphrodite, Ares, the Twins and Poseidon.." Miko nods and was searching for a lollipop in her deep pockets and squeal when she got one then hurriedly put it in her mouth.

"There's Hera, Athena, hmmm Oh! Hades and... I got nothing." Sapphire nod appreciating Miko's effort. "Well that's a start... hmm... I can try manipulating Athena's symbol, an owl?"

Miko nods while blasting gush of winds on her hand, letting her float. "Well~ start sniffing her then! I mean... eyeing? Get it? 'cause owl have big eyes-!" She giggle while Sapphire groan and hurriedly pictures herself as an owl.

Her body glow white, as she outstretches her arms, the feathers of an imagery owl shook. "Now what?" Miko said suddenly feeling tired out of nowhere and Sapphire's eye glow blue and swiftly flew somewhere leaving an awestruck Miko.

"Hey! Sapphy! Wait up!" She forcefully lets out a gush of wind to catch up with Sapphire whose picking up the pace. "Ugh! Animal instincts!" Miko hissed then halted a little bit when Sapphire stopped.

"Uhm... Sapphy.." Miko said unsure as she then finally took notice of their surrounding. A circular area where trees were cut down... and there stood a young lady whose hair is toussled in dirty braid and is wearing a greek clothing.

"That's her!" Sapphire said and hurriedly went to hit the dirt followed by Miko who had a little rough landing.

Both took a stance as Sapphire now portrayed a tigress. The Goddess of War and Wisdom had her back face to them. "So... you wanna start a war?" Both suddenly flinch at that last word and took again their battle stance.

"Implying something like that just means something bad is about to happen." Miko seriously said as she took a huge bite of her lollipop.

Athena glance behind her shoulder and Sapphire frowned. "Something's not right..." Athena softly chuckle and finally face them.

"WOAH! OKAY! WHAT?!" Miko gasped in shock as Sapphire's mouth gape open. Athena was covered in many bruises but what caught their attention was that half of her right arm is turning into dust.

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