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Brandon exclaimed wearing the local clothes of Wakanda as he is covered im wrapped bandages and cover-ups.

"D-did I really use flames...?" Miko stuttered asking Beast Boy who was frowning and nod. She clenched her shaking hands but was gently grabbed by Beast Boy.

"I know you have a bad past about that but please... you must overcome it." She softly shook her head. "Y-you know I can't." Beast Boy sighed and frown at this.

"Miko I know your lying." This made the curvy yet proud of her body superhero blinked and she just laugh nervously. "W-what are you talking abo-!"

"Your lying to yourself, your lying that you don't care what happens to others and basically just want the mission done. You lie that you can't use your fire element because of your past and that's bullshit."

Miko's eyes widen as Beast boy intently look at her and everyone was stiff. Beast Boy stood up and sigh. "Your a superhero Miko. You can overcome anything. Just stop fucking lying to my face all the time." "I-!"

"What's going on here?" Entered Wally who was now accompanied by Nightwing and Arsenal. "Your here," Damian said shocked whose arms and neck is covered in bandages.

Dick Grayson nodded curtly. "Tamaranian is safe, I got the word from Steve that you guys are here... the others are not doing so well.."

Everyone forgot the fight between Miko and Beast Boy as they are now worried for their mentors. "We have to hurry then. Where's Rose and Alyssa?" Brandon seriously said and Arsenal had to raise his hands.

"Calm down man. That's why we are here. We need to tell you something important before we go at Shuri's lab." Nightwing noticed the impatience of everyone and butted in.

"Romando figured out how to open the portal but-" He paused which made Arsenal's protege huff in frustration. "Just spit it out!"

"Once the portal is open, Hunter Black's minions will destroy Earth." This made the young heroes eyes widen.. "What do you mean..?" Theo said unsure and Arsenal sigh rubbing his hair.

"It is what you heard, according to Romando, there is a balance between good and evil." Arsenal intently looked at everyone.

"Seiko's blood line is connected with the celestials, he gave half of his blood to resurrect the soul of Maximoff-!"

"HE DID WHAT?!" Adrian growled and his eyes glowed but was stopped by Damian. "Adrian calm down." He shifted his eyes on Damian. "YOU KNEW ABOUT THIS! YOU SAID YOU DIDN'T AGREE!" Damian frown and growl. "Seiko explained it to me. We can revive her physically but her soul is at stake. MEANING- her powers will be gone and she'll end up like the rest!"

Damian furiously said and Adrian shook his head. "THAT DOESN'T MEAN-!" "The Aries is the one who casted the spell and is the only one who can open the portal. If Rose dies then no one can open the portal." Nightwing explained as he worriedly glance at Damian whose eyes are shaded.

"As I was saying... Thor and Loki's bloodline inherited the celestials, even the God and Goddesses and our supernatural allies. The celestial figures know that the bad guys crave their power, so upon their agreement-."

"They created their counterparts... to protect the portal.." Luna said in realization and Grayson nodded. "That's right," Maximus shook his head. "Wait a minute. Hunter Black is our enemy? But we were teammates!"

Arsenal frown and crossed his arms. "He is the enemy..." Everyone's eyes widen especially Aurora and Maximus. "That can't be it!" Nightwing slightly frown.

"Why is he the enemy then." Miko rhethorically asked and Nightwing looked deadly serious at everyone. "To get revenge for his sister, from Red's vision- the girl tried to broke the spell between mortal and immortals... my guess is they want to meet their parents... who are Ares and Aphrodite."

"No way..." Maximus muttered. Nightwing stood up straight. "The world will turn upside down if we don't stop him. We need your full cooperation." Arsenal also stood straight.

"All of the heroes are at their position, we are limited. The portal is the one that will keep attracting Hunter's minions-likely demons. If we don't defeat him-"

"We can loose everything..." Beast Boy said scared but was comforted by Miko's hands and he gently clench it. Arsenal curtly nod.

"We will keep the demons at bay. We are counting on you to defeat Hunter Black... do whatever it is necessary. Theo." Nightwing called out.

Theo stood straight. "I'll need you to see different realities if there is a possibility of how we can deafeat Hunter Black." Theo's eyes widen. "B-but I haven't-!"

"I'll aid you." Luna seriously said which made everyone shock. "Are you crazy?!" Brandon twirled her and faced him. "There is a limit to using your reality warp! Even Wanda and Rose couldn't surpass it!"

Luna harshly slap Brandon's hand on her shoulders and screamed. "I'D RATHER SACRIFICE MY LIFE THEN LET THE WORLD TAKE OVER BY DEMONS!" Everyone went silent and Alyssa nodded.

"I can give both of you energy with my chaos magic, it'll preserve your soul and physical form as much as it can." Before Wally could protest someone intervene. "That's not necessary."

All heads turn to see a full covered vibranium military clothes with the sword on his side. "Seiko!" All exclaimed and it made him smirk.

"What do you mean its not necessary?" Alyssa questioned and Red tap the handle of his sword. "Merlin's powers will be limited but with the help of Phoenix, he'll be able to find answers in alternative universe. I'll use my sword to protect your energy and soul at the same time. That way no one will get hurt and Ash can open the portal once done."

Nightwing frown at this but nod. "Then we need to hurry. Arsenal get in contact with nearby heroes, see if they can aid in the battle." He nod and hurriedly walk out.

"This is your first mission. Get inside the portal, stop Hunter Black and pray to heavens that everything goes well."

They all looked at each other and have determination on their eyes. "Let's get you all suit up then. This will be your first war. Don't die on us." Nightwing said seriously.

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