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Wanda Maximoff called out from the bottom of the stairs and received an 'ok' from her daughter. She then looked at her juniors. "How's young avengers doing?" She asked sweetly and a handsome black man spoke.

"Nothing much, just that Nick had to make the kids do double combats and shit." Another child of Wanda entered the front entrance and flick the son of Fury's forehead, who slighlty whine from the pain.

"Language." He muttered and Wanda rolled her eye at the eldest. "Anyways, we're actually having lunch before Rose depart to Titans." Both visitors smile wide. "Can we join!?" The young sorcerer squealed which made Wanda awe at their cuteness as well.

"Of course, sweetie. Do you also want to join lunch?" Both visitors nodded. "Al right can you please fetch Rose for me then." They both hummed and went upstairs.

"... Please don't adopt them." Thomas suddenly beside their mom who shriek and deadly glare at the innocent son. "I was not!" She said but William laughed at that.

"Now that you mention it. What are you doing up so early, William?" This made the young magician frown and sigh. "I have something to tell you mom. But... will it be alright after the mission?"

William's twin Thomas as he noticed the eldest was stuttering and so did Wanda who nod. "Sure sweetie, come on let's make food for Rose's team." This made Thomas scoffed.

"I still can't believe Tony would to that! Even Uncle Steve didn't do anything!" This took a hard toll on the twins especially they know how much Rose had endured as a leader of Young Avengers.

Wanda started to sizzle the meat while speaking. "I didn't like it either, but there was nothing I could do. That's why Titans called yesterday, saying that Damian would like to have her on the League of Assasins."

"The Demon spawn of Batman?" "He's not a demon spawn Thomas." "But he is." William inserted and Wanda just giggled. "Both of you are just sad because your little sister is already dating."

This made the twins bawl and fakingly act which made Wanda just smile, happy that she has a family she can keep...

"Ash!- I mean Rose!"

The petite young lady rose her head from the book she was reading and eyed her members... ex-members. She just smile and put her book down. "What's up?" She asked the young sorcerer and another protege of Nick Fury, more like his legitimate son.

"It's good to see you, Fury." Rose Maximoff said and Brandon nodded. "Likewise... I'm sorry about what happened to you.." He said sincerely and Rose just sigh but shrug.

"If The Iron Man wants his cousin to be the leader I would've gladly step down... How is Andwrea, Theo?" This made the sorcerer chuckle nervously, rubbing the back of their neck.

"We-uhm-" This made Rose frown even more then rose an eyebrow. "Did Nick Fury doubled your shifts & combats, especially training?" Theo fakingly cry and hugged Rose who laughed.

"Yess!! How did you know!!" Brandon chuckle and just lazily lay himself on Rose's bed. "I have my experience." Rose ruffled the cute hairs of Theo who smile then eyed at Brandon.

"Are you gonna join the Young Avengers?" Brandon frown at this but shook his head. "Nah- too lazy to even join the kids." He suddenly sat up. "Also! Wanda said to call you down, lunch will be ready andddd- we will go with you by the way."

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