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"GRAHHHH!" Hunter lunge at Ash who swiftly dodge and blocked his attack. "Tsk! GAH-!" Hunter suddenly coughed a lot of blood when a black sword thrusted on his stomach.

Red smirked and swiftly move away when Hunter started throwing flames at him. Hunter staggered a little and notice that he was loosing his minions. "FUCK!" He cussed and throw flames underground, causing flames to erupt everywhere.

"HELLFIRE!" Tony screamed as Hellfire's eyes glown black and emitted white aura to everyone, they were all covered and were not burn as the flames past them.

"NO!" Hunter clenched his aching head and he suddenly saw the sweet smile of his sister. "Stop..." He gasp and furiously shook his head, blood spilling from his stomach.

"NO! THEY KILLED YOU! I AM NOT GONNA DIE WITHOUT GETTING MY REVENGE!" He screamed in agony as he engulfed himself in blue flames and was suddenly turn into huge chunk of it, growling.

Merlin and Dr. Strange created mirror-like ropes of Wonder Woman and started wrapping it around Hunter who started thrashing everywhere.

The deer huffed, pounding its hooves on the dusty clouds. "We can't hold him much longer! Any binding spell we can use?!" Dr. Stranger said to Constantine whose battling the demons.

"I'll hold him off as long as I can! Start a plan!" The deer said to everyone which scared the heck out of them but nod as the deer rammed its horns on the sides of Hunter who screamed and tried pushing it away.

"Kind of busy here!" He screamed as Cyborg stood beside him and blasted the others. "What if we transport him to another dimension?!"

Hunter let out a blood curling scream making everyone of his demon run towards them. Black Canary took a deep breathe and opened her mouth, aiming at the demons who suddenly turned liquid.

"We can't just transport him! He's a deity! He will come back no matter what- HA!" Zatanna zapped a demon as she explained it to Cyborg.

"So what's the plan then?!" Oliver shot iced three demons as he landed beside Zatanna whose checking everything.

Zatanna suddenly got an idea. "I HAVE AN IDEA! WICCAN!" Wiccan hurriedly blocks a demon and iced it then floated above Zatanna. "We need to cast an after-life spell!" Wiccan's eyes widen.

"Are you crazy?! I haven't even perfected it yet!" phwoshh! "THAT WILL LITERALLY KILL THE CASTER RIGHT?!" Thomas asked furious as Wiccan nodded.

"Then I need someone who can perfect the spell easily with me!" Zatanna threw sharp cards at the demons as Sapphire jumped towards them.

"We're running out of time!" She screech and turned into a large python swiftly chocking the demons. "ARSENAL! RED HOOD!"

"YO!" Red Hood run towards Zatanna as she put down her hat. "Do you have a good aim at long distance?" Red Hood checked his load. "Empty. AURA! NIKE!"

Aurora jumped and shot arrows at the approaching demons, ice and flames as Nike who is now using nano-tech chain scythe twirls and let the chains wrapped around her waist.

"WHAT?!" Both screamed as Red Hood spoke. "WE NEED YOUR AIMS!" Nike blocked the attack of a demon and nod curtly at Aura who started running towards them.

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