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Peter said through their hologram communication as Wanda nodded. "What's this about the greek Gods showing up? I thought of them as myths." Star-Lord said while Hawkeye shrugged his shoulder.

"Having magician superheroes made it easily believable." Star-Lord hummed. "Fair enough. We' ll keep you updated if we saw anything." Wanda smiled. "Appreciate the help."

She ended their call and sigh. Scarlet Witch and Hawkeye are both at the Atlantis Library, where the oldest book collections are safelty in tact.

"Anything?" Mera asked as Adrian and Kaldur continues to search for the scrolls or books they need while Aqualad tries to control his panicked citizens in check.. as they did saw Poseidon turned into ashes.

"This is so troublesome..." Adrian muttered while Kaldur nod. "I agree with you but we had to keep searching... otherwise..." He didn't finished it as Adrian had an idea..

"This situation is getting all too familiar." Clint said as Wanda looked through her comm. "Robin isn't picking up his comm... I'm getting worried..."

Clint soothed his friend's shoulder. "Strange is at the HQ with Thor and others, they'll be fine." He assured her as she nod curtly.

"Two protege's of mine.." She muttered as Hawkeye chuckled. "And this is why I don't take apprentices." Mera rolled her eyes. "Oh come on. What if it was your daughter or son who wants to continue your legacy?"

Hawkeye playfully glare at Mera who smirked thriumpant. Wanda giggle and went to her other son. "Did you find anything?" Both boys shook their head.

"There's nothing written in the records about them disappearing, I just want to go back..." Adrian muttered the last part but was definitely heard by Wanda.

She gently hugged him who smile and hugged her too. "Rose will be fine..." He nodded meakly. "I know..." Kaldur put a book back and was about to inspect another when a unique book dropped the dried coral floors.

Kaldur picked it up and saw a weird symbols on it, "Guys. I think I found it." Kaldur said to everyone and all inspect the book he's holding.

"Can you open it?" Wanda asked as Mera tried her powers on it. The lock didn't budge. It was Kaldur's turn.. no budge as well.

"Maybe it likes other powers?" Clint suggested and somehow Mera took it offended and he laugh nervously. Wanda's eyes glow dark red as she lifted the book and tried opening it.

She sigh and let the book drop on Adrian's hands. "What kind of book is that?" Wanda huff a little as the book doesn't have a locket or a key to even be put on as it is tightly sealed.

Adrian inspected it and didn't realize he was muttering the words. "Ouy ohw severes eth retaw htiw dna ytingid, llahs eb ym ecrous fo efil!"

The book suddenly shook on his hand and his merman tattoos started glowing blue too! "ADRIAN!" His mother shriek as he was suddenly engulf in light.


As everyone took their battle stance, the light hurriedly diminish and their stood Adrian whose eyes glowed golden and with a grin plastered on his lips, golden veins pulsed on the side of his face and his arms, black smote emitting the back of his shoulder.

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