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"YOUR MOM!?" Everyone screech except Rose who hissed because of headache. There stood a goddess, beauty that no one couldn't help but stare longer. "How the heck did Aphrodite became your mom?!"

Brandon asked shook as Hunter Black just rolled his brown eyes at them. "Enough of that. The question is what are they doing here?" Theo questioned which made everyone ponder as well.

Aphrodite then stand proud and looked at everyone and smile sweetly at Damian. "You believe God is a woman." Everyone looked at Robin who frown but crossed his arms not saying anything.


A worried mother and siblings appeared.


The Queen of Atlantis appeared to another Zeta tube with a shocked look but composed herself. "My Queen," Adrien bow respectively and Mera smile small. "At ease Adrien." He nodded and smile wide when Wanda hugged him then followed by the twins.

"Dude-! Where have you been in our whole life!" Speed dramatized which made Adrien laugh a little bit. "You never visited us!" Wiccan ruffled Adrien's hair which made the merman boy grunt.

"Hey! I just fixed my hair!" "Boys!" Wanda scolded them three which made the boys fidget nervously by her gaze.


"Dad!" Merlin sigh happily as Dr. Strange smiled as well and hugged his protege. "Are you hurt?" He asked worried but Merline shooked their head, saying they are fine.

Dr. Strange sigh and blink to see the goddess of beauty aiding a unconscious god of war. "How..." They heard a groan and Dr. Strange looked at Rose.

"What happen to her?" He asked Merlin who frown slightly. "She protected all of us from meteor, it took a lot of her strength.." Dr. Strange nodded as he inspect Wanda's daughter.

"Will Rose be al right?" Wanda asked the sorcerer and Dr. Strange nodded. "Merlin was able to use elixr in time. She'll just need some rest." Wanda nodded and tucked Rose's long hair away from her closed eyes.

"Good job Merlin." Dr. Strange praised them which made Merlin happy on the inside. "Oh! Ares!" All looked up to see a bruised yet awake Ares being hugged by Aphrodite.

"What are you doing here, Mera?" The red-headed Queen sigh and projected a hologram image to the Titans and Avengers.

The hologram image consisted of the exact living of Poseidon, who is watching the Atlantis. "The God of Sea is in our home, unfortunately he was bruised when he came."

This made Koriand'r worried. "Why are the gods and goddesses here then.." "Because the magic is vanishing..." All heads turn to Ares who was limping towards them.

"What do you mean?" This alerted Dr. Strange and Ares chuckled bitter. "Its what I said. Magic will be gone soon and so are we." Hunter Black laugh happily. "Finally!" "Hunter!"

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