Pizza and Pictures

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It's Friday.

Tonight I have a very special date, with the very best lady.

I combed back my hair, buttoned up my shirt, and headed down the hall with flowers in hand.

When I opened the door, Ella was slipping on her beauty and the beast dress from Halloween, and i chuckled.

Me: Well I didnt know we were getting FANCY fancy.

She smiled up at me and shoved her little arm through the hole. She grabbed her brush and brought it to me.

Ella: Can you do da bun?

I sure could.

I could do a bun, I could do a simple braid, i could do a high pony, and a low pony.

I went to the nearest hair dresser and asked her to show me the basics. She was amazing, along with all the other girls there. They helped me practice until I was a pro. One of them even bought me a big Barbie head to practice YouTube tutorials.

I was working on the fish braid.

We were set.

I helped her put her shoes on, I put the flower bouquet in a vase, and we headed out.

I opened the Jeep for her.

I had to help her in and out of her seat, but she also needed to know that men were supposed to open the door for her.

I knew shed be excited for the pizza place i found. It had games, pizza, and prizes.

I knew the place would be littered with kids. But it was worth it when i saw baby girls big brown eyes light up.

Ella: Daddy! They have games!

Me: Yeah baby, which one should we do first?

She accidentally smacked her face with the whack a mole hammer. It was cushioned. She laughed.

She watched me in amazement as I shot basket after basket at one booth. I held her up so she could get a better angle.

Maybe she'd play basketball? She had an arm, maybe football?

I asked her if she wanted to be a cheerleader, she said "no way jose"

I saw another dad there with his son. He gave me the nod and i wondered if he lost his wife too?

His son didnt seem too interested in him.

At least I was lucky in that aspect. Ella thought I walked on water. She didn't actually know I was a sack of dicks yet. I'll enjoy it for as long as I can.

I felt a hand tug on my hand


I looked down at my brown eyed girl and smiled

Me: Hungry?

Did you know Mac and cheese pizza was a thing? It was awesome.

I wasnt sure about it, but that's what she wanted, so that's what we got.

She was a way better date.

She ate.

A lot.

And her questions were more fun.

Ella: If you could be Uh animal, what animal would you be?


Me: A bear.

She giggled

Me: Bears get to sleep all winter, and spend the rest of the time eating. You?

She thought real hard. Her little eyebrows coming together. God i love this girl.

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