It's Friday.
Tonight I have a very special date, with the very best lady.
I combed back my hair, buttoned up my shirt, and headed down the hall with flowers in hand.
When I opened the door, Ella was slipping on her beauty and the beast dress from Halloween, and i chuckled.
Me: Well I didnt know we were getting FANCY fancy.
She smiled up at me and shoved her little arm through the hole. She grabbed her brush and brought it to me.
Ella: Can you do da bun?
I sure could.
I could do a bun, I could do a simple braid, i could do a high pony, and a low pony.
I went to the nearest hair dresser and asked her to show me the basics. She was amazing, along with all the other girls there. They helped me practice until I was a pro. One of them even bought me a big Barbie head to practice YouTube tutorials.
I was working on the fish braid.
We were set.
I helped her put her shoes on, I put the flower bouquet in a vase, and we headed out.
I opened the Jeep for her.
I had to help her in and out of her seat, but she also needed to know that men were supposed to open the door for her.
I knew shed be excited for the pizza place i found. It had games, pizza, and prizes.
I knew the place would be littered with kids. But it was worth it when i saw baby girls big brown eyes light up.
Ella: Daddy! They have games!
Me: Yeah baby, which one should we do first?
She accidentally smacked her face with the whack a mole hammer. It was cushioned. She laughed.
She watched me in amazement as I shot basket after basket at one booth. I held her up so she could get a better angle.
Maybe she'd play basketball? She had an arm, maybe football?
I asked her if she wanted to be a cheerleader, she said "no way jose"
I saw another dad there with his son. He gave me the nod and i wondered if he lost his wife too?
His son didnt seem too interested in him.
At least I was lucky in that aspect. Ella thought I walked on water. She didn't actually know I was a sack of dicks yet. I'll enjoy it for as long as I can.
I felt a hand tug on my hand
I looked down at my brown eyed girl and smiled
Me: Hungry?
Did you know Mac and cheese pizza was a thing? It was awesome.
I wasnt sure about it, but that's what she wanted, so that's what we got.
She was a way better date.
She ate.
A lot.
And her questions were more fun.
Ella: If you could be Uh animal, what animal would you be?
Me: A bear.
She giggled
Me: Bears get to sleep all winter, and spend the rest of the time eating. You?
She thought real hard. Her little eyebrows coming together. God i love this girl.
Worthy (Part 2)
RomansaAfter suddenly losing the love of his life, Emory finds himself trying to piece himself back together, all the while taking care of his daughter.