Chapter 1

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Alec had been excited all week for his birthday. Even though he had been raised to not celebrate his birthday because shadowhunters shouldn't be distracted by trivial things like birthdays, or so his parents said. But Izzy, Jace and Max always secretly celebrated Alec's birthday and he did the same for them. 

Alec was very surprised that Victor had given him the day off for his birthday. Victor had been chosen to be the head of the institute over Alec, because of the bad reputation his parents had from being ex Circle members. Well that was the excuse the Clave had given him, but Alec knew it was because he was an omega while Victor was an alpha. 

Usually Victor didn't treat Alec with any respect at all, and had tried to stop him from being a shadowhunter. Saying that omegas should be warming alphas' beds and not be shadowhunters. Magnus and Alec's siblings fought hard against Victor and thankfully had managed to stop Victor from doing this. 

So Alec had been very shocked that Victor had given him the day off. Though now that he thought about it Victor probably had wanted to make it seem like Alec was slacking and that he didn't want to do his job. As shadowhunters hardly ever had days off. If Victor could make people believe that he was too lazy to be a shadowhunter and had enough support he could demote Alec. 

The thought made Alec angry but he pushed it aside. Today was his 21st birthday and he wanted to celebrate it. Alec made his way from the kitchen after having gotten his coffee to find Magnus wolfing down his breakfast. 

Alec shook his head fondly, "Magnus, you don't have to eat so fast we have all day". 

Magnus gave Alec a look of confusion and sounded frustrated when he spoke, "What are you talking about?" 

Alec felt his heart sink as he realized that Magnus had forgotten it was his birthday, "We both took the day off remember?" 

"Why do you think I would be able to take the day off?" Magnus snapped harshly, startling Alec and he felt tears threatening to fall, "I have so many clients Alec, you know it's incredibly difficult to get any time off". 

Alec's heart hurt even more when Magnus said Alec instead of Alexander, Magnus only usually did that if he was angry. "I understand that, but I thought you said-"

"My clients are very vindictive people who would try to ruin my career if I cancelled our meetings. I have worked too hard to be where I am to let a day off ruin my career". 

"I hardly get to see you anymore Magnus, and today is special we had agreed to spend today together", Alec said tearfully. 

A couple of weeks ago he had said his birthday was coming up and that they would need to book time off in advance. Magnus had agreed at the time, but now Alec remembered Magnus had been reading a spell book. Maybe Magnus hadn't heard what he was saying. 

"I don't have time for this I need to go", Magnus said angrily and portaled out of the room. 

Normally Magnus would have clients in his apartment but since Alec started staying over more, Magnus had his meetings elsewhere. Most of his clients were alphas who would not care that Alec was Magnus' mate. Ever since a client tried to claim Alec against his will Magnus had been very careful about where to hold his meetings. 

Alec slumped down on the sofa, feeling miserable and heartbroken. Alec hadn't eaten breakfast but he didn't feel hungry anymore. Now that Magnus had left he let the tears fall. Alec was comfortable crying in front of Magnus but not when Magnus was the reason he was crying. 

When Alec had calmed down he checked his phone for birthday messages, but was disappointed to see none from his family. He knew his parents wouldn't bother but part of him always hoped they would. Izzy and Jace said they would send him a message, knowing he wanted to spend the day with Magnus and would join them in the evening. But he hadn't received any messages from Jace and Izzy. 

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