September 21, 2008 at 9:36PM

11 2 0

Mom suggests I join her on a dog walk. The park is nearby, and no matter what time you go, without fail, there's a motley crew of canines chasing each other around in circles, slobbering their faces off. It's Hank's happy place; I like seeing him there. I kind of wish I could be a doggo sometimes. Looks like fun. Sweet and simple.

Staring at him, gleefully getting humped by another dog, Mom turns to me.

"Your dad said you had a band practice yesterday?"

"Uh, yeah."

"How did that come about?"

"Just this girl at school. She was looking for a guitarist for her band; she wants to play this talent show that's happening at the school in a few weeks"

"That's a great thing to get involved with," she says.

"Yeah," I reply. "It's alright."

I suddenly feel nervous around Mom; it happens sometimes. I don't know what to say.

I walk over to Hank, pick up a stick, and throw it for him; but he doesn't seem all that interested and just stares at me, blankly.

I remember this summer vacation a couple years back. After Grade Nine, I think. I don't even remember why I did this, but I made a conscious effort to never go into the water on that trip. For the entire two-week vacation, on the beach every day, I didn't go in the water once. I don't think I even read or anything—just stared at the sand all day, kept my sunglasses on, head still. When Mom asked if I was okay, I'd just respond with a quiet "yup."

I don't even remember why I did that. Why was I such a drama queen?

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