January 12, 2009 at 3:00PM

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School has started up again and I've been forced to get back into the swing of things. University applications are looming, as Mom has made abundantly clear, so I have to work hard and keep my grades up.

It's murderously cold outside. I don't like taking the streetcar to school because it reminds me of Beth, so I walk from the subway station instead.

I think about her all the time. Being at Harvest is a constant reminder of her absence. She's like a specter, haunting the classrooms and hallways. Nothing looks the same without her.

The idea of being in this school any longer than I have to is terrifying. I've decided to work harder on assignments, do all my readings—make sure I get into university.

Alex keeps asking me to skip with him, but I'll keep turning him down.

Stay focused. Get out of here.

A change of scenery.

Move on. 

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