February 9, 2009 at 9:09PM

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January and February so far are pretty much a blur of homework and doing my best not to think about Beth. I get upset when I think about her. I don't like feeling that way. 

Mom has noticed how hard I've been working.

I still haven't told her what happened with me and Beth. I'm afraid to; I know it could easily turn into a lecture, or a fight. She'll blame me for screwing it up, go on and on about "what a shame" it is. I don't need her to tell me that it's a shame. I'm living in a bubble of shame.

I applied to three universities. I didn't know what to list as my major, but Dad told me that I could just leave it undeclared, decide what to study once I'd taken a few different classes. My top choice was the university my parents went to, and the one my brother's going to. I didn't expect to get into that one, though, so I also applied to two schools that were supposedly easier.

Going through the motions and doing my best not to think too hard about anything. 

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