8. Prince

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Benji's POV

"And here, you can see that my standards have flown out the window!" Will gestured to his closet filled with random clothes, and I couldn't help but giggle. This was the first time I was allowed at his house since there was no supernatural secret to defend anymore, and I was sort of shocked at how bare his room was. The everything was either white or tan, and there were no posters of anything that a normal teenager would have. It was almost like Will didn't even live in his own room, but he kind of had to. "Ooh! He–"

Before he could get his sentence out, the door to his bedroom slammed open. "WILLIAM BLACK I GOT A CALL SAYING YOU SKIPPED!" I've never met Will's parents before right now, but I can see why he's so focused on school work. The woman in front of me was do upset she could probably flip over a table by herself, and I wanted to run and hide if I was totally honest.

"Mama, I had to. Something came up–"

"And what did we say about bringing your human scum into the house! Pathetic!"


"I'm not even done yet! I looked through your search history and found you watching MINECRAFT LET'S PLAYS! What were the rules to use the computer!?"

"I couldn't use it for anything other than homework..."

"Send your friend home and you're grounded!" My eyes widened, and I was shocked at the punishment for just a small issue.

"Mama please it won't happen again!"

"No, out!"

"Come on, Benji."

"Benji is a dumb name."

"I'm sorry, that's what my parents nicknamed me. If you don't like it then that's a you problem."

"Will your friend has a mouth–"

"Yeah, I have a mouth. You may be able to walk all over your son, but that doesn't work on me!" I stormed out of the room as soon as I was done, and Will ran after me. He caught up to me in the front lawn, and his hand gently grabbed my bicep. My body fizzled with his touch, and I blinked at his expression.

"I'm sorry about my mom, she can be a bit... Well you saw."

"How do you live with that?"

"They're my parents; I have to love them. Like them, no; Live with them, maybe, but I can't stop that they're my parents. I broke their rules, so I have to pay the consequences. Have a nice day."

I watched as he approached his front door, and I wanted to give him a huge hug. I probably would have died with strict parents. However, I just turned around and began walking back towards the pack house. The moon was bright tonight, and I was soon hit strongly by my magic. It spread quicker than before, and my legs buckled underneath my weight. As I hit hard on the grass, my magic burst from me like a tidal wave, and it spread in a large burst across the clearing. The electricity went out all around me, and I was shocked that just I could do something so large scale. My body shook as the power burned through my veins, and I laid back on the ground once it had passed. My chest rose and fell rapidly while I tried to regain control, and I saw something in the corner of my vision that sprinted towards me.

"Benji are you okay!?" Papa was shouting at me urgently, but I just blinked up at him. What's the big deal?

"Dev, it's normal, calm down." I realized that the Jack guy was also hovering over me, and I wanted to vomit on his shoes. That made me sound like a bad person... Oh well, I probably am.

"You call knocking out the entire pack's electricity with a surge large enough to shatter my chandeliers normal?"

"Okay, so he's a bit more powerful than the average warlock you meet, but it's okay. I'm– nevermind."

"You're what?"

"Nothing important. Help me get him inside; it's not normal that I see an adult gaining their powers. I could carry Sasha, but I sure as hell can't drag him."

"Weak ass." My body moved up in one motion, and I realized that I was being held by Papa. Out of a natural reaction, I buried my face in his chest, and I could almost hear his smile.


"Payback for all the times you could handle Connor and I couldn't."

"But that was funnier."

"Feel my pain!"

I listened to them bicker back and forth for a while before looking up and realizing that the entire mansion was dark. I could hardly see my feet, and I didn't know how the other two weren't hitting into anything. "Dad? Are you there?"

Connor's voic rang from above us, and papa shifted me in his grip before shouting back, "No, it's the Roman Empire!"

"Well could the Roman empire move faster? My food is getting cold!"

When we entered the room my friend was in, I noticed that he had an oil lamp on the table in front of him. His hair was down for the first time ever, and he was scribbling in a notebook. He looked absolutely exhausted, and I was shocked that his eyes were red when they looked up. That is very creepy if I say so myself. "Is your dad making you do his paperwork again?"

"Yes, he is, and I want to know who the hell Kyle Carson is."

"He's your father's royal advisor." Royal what? Papa sat me down on an arm chair before walking up to his son, and I noticed now how similar the two looked. The had the same facial structure and hair color, and they both had to lean down to reach the desk which I found hilarious for an unknown reason.

"Connor the name of the the chancellor isn't Poo-poo Butt! How did I raise such an immature child."

"Papa you are immature." Smack. "Hey!"

"You can't mess up official paperwork!"

"Dad should be doing it himself."

"He's trying to help you learn! You're the heir to the throne of hell; you should be good at this!" Excuse me, what? I'm friends with the prince of hell???

"I'm too young!"

"You never know when something might happen to your dad. He's getting older, and as much as I hate to admit it, he's in more danger with every passing day. He isn't having ease keeping down the vampire rebellions, and I constantly worry if he's going to come home."


"Just telling the truth. Oh by the way Benji's in the room."



"You know I didn't want to overwhelm him with all of this right now! There's a reason for that!"

"What's the reason?"

"He's hardly gotten used to the fact that he's a warlock. Now add onto it that, 'oh by the way I'm the king of hell and everyone else in our friend group are supernatural'... He's probably freaked out!"

Freaked out is the understatement of the century right now. My best friend is royalty, and I'm just a common used to be human? How did this happen? I guess all I can do is embrace it... For my own health.

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