30. Smooches

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It wasn't until dinner time that I had finally settled back into life in the school, and I was really glad that Mikey didn't seem to be put off by my actions. He was currently my only friend, and I don't know what I would be doing without him. Probably drowning in all of the loneliness and rude stares being passed my way.

"Did you see Mr. Aquamious's face when you beat me? It was so red and angry!"

"I don't think anyone really expected me to win."

"They probably didn't. I've been the top of our skill level for 3 years. The pasta thing usually works on the average person."

"It would have worked, but I saw it fall out of your mouth."

"Dang it!"

"It would work a bit better if you swallowed it instead."

"Who wants to swallow dry pasta? And wouldn't someone notice me swallow?"

"Some people swallow when they're in pain or frightened."

"Good to know."

"Do you think Mr. Aquamious hates me?"

"I think the whole school hates you right now."

"That's encouraging."

"Just telling the truth. Now you have one more class before bed. It's probably a core class because they want you to be mostly calm before bed and neither magic or fighting usually does that for a warlock."

"How do I change my clothes?"

"Snap." I followed his instructions and snapped my fingers, and I suddenly found myself in a totally different uniform.

"How does that work?"

"It only works during meals. It'll change to whatever class you're supposed to go to next, so that's how you can figure it out if you don't have a schedule."


"You're welcome."

"3rd class," the creepy female voice declared in my mind, and I jumped. It had been awhile since I had heard her again.

"You probably want to get used to that. It'll keep happening to you every time we need to swap classes."

"I will be eventually."

"Now, get to class before your teacher has an aneurysm."


"So we don't have any free time?" I was sat in the living room part of our dorm. Mikey was sat across from me, and he had just told me that they turned off the electricity, excluding the air conditioner, after 10:00. Considering our last class doesn't end till 9:00... Why are they so rude?

"We can still be up after 10:00, but it's pretty dark and we can't watch TV or anything. They want to limit our screen time and stuff. There's battery powered lamps to do our homework by, though!"

"What if I need to brush my teeth?"

"Better do it before 10."

"That's so rude."

"You'll get used to it."

I got up off of the couch to go brush my teeth, and he watched me as I went. The look had a hint of something I couldn't comprehend in it, but I didn't mind. I've seen it a few times before, but I can't place it... I brushed my teeth for a few moments before reemerging, and he looked up at me from his phone. Somehow he had totally gotten ready for sleeping within 3 minutes, and I was slightly shook. His chocolate colored skin was smooth looking in the limited light of the door room, and my mouth felt drier than usual. He was wearing navy blue pants without a shirt, and my eyes couldn't help but trace his muscles until they disappeared into his pants. SNAP OUT OF IT!

"Like what you see?" his flirtatious words sent me slightly over the edge of insanity, and my head nodded on its own accord. Excuse me, head, I never said to do that! What if he was just joking and I made a fool of myself!? "Come sit, Benji," he chuckled gently, and I followed the orders without being fully conscious in that world. My mind was on a totally different planet with all of my anxiety, but I immediately came back to earth when I felt his hand on my left shoulder. It was a soothing touch, and I allowed my body to release all of the tension back into the abyss. I looked up into his nearly black eyes, and my brain only sent faint signals to me. He's close... Closer than friends should be.

His hand rested against my waist as he got closer, and my body wiggled a bit. I don't know why it did, though... What is this feeling? It's like a slow burn deep down in my chest, and I could feel it spread down to my stomach and back up again. It felt different than ever before; his breath mixing with mine. With Will it had brought anxiety and fear, with Connor... Well I don't even remember that one very well. With Mikey, though... I want it. I want it now.

His lips brushed against mine gently, and I leaned forward a bit more to seal the kiss. My eyes fluttered closed as he leaned in a bit more, and I felt his hand go to the small of my back gently. I was excited. It's never felt this good to kiss someone. Then again, I've only done it with two people. Let's not talk about that; next topic!

It only lasted for a few seconds before he pulled away, but I was left with the taste of him lingering on my wetted lips. His body was extremely warm against mine, and I allowed the feeling to swallow me whole. "Sorry, I–" His voice broke off, and I knew that he thought I didn't like it. He couldn't be more wrong, though. I wasn't sure about my sexuality before, but now I know. I like men... Their strong bodies, their dominance. It makes me feel so much different– better– than females. All of it.

"It's okay. I don't mind." Suddenly, the lights to the dorm room dropped out, and I jumped. Ever since I was a kid, I've always feared the dark. There are so many different monsters in it that can come to eat me. And now that positive supernatural beings exist... I'm sure the negative ones do as well.

"Are you sure?"

"I'm certain. Please don't be sorry."

"Okay, I won't. We should get to bed now."

"Are you sure?"

"Yes. We have to be up at 5am again, and I don't fancy hearing that damn ringing again. It sets my whole day on edge."

"Oh that's what the high pitched squeal is! It's very annoying."

"That's the whole point. It'll happen any time you try and sleep between 5am and 9pm."

"My poor ears."

"Get to bed."

"Okay, okay, calm down bossy."

The fear in my chest increased when he moved away, but I hid it deep inside of my chest before standing to walk into my bedroom. I closed my door as soon as I got in, and I managed to find the lamp to light it up while I finished putting on my clothes... God, tomorrow is going to come way too early.

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