59. Two

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The car ride was tense with the silence, and I wanted to vomit all over my shoes. How could I be lied to this way by so many different people? I've always tried my best to be the kind of person that was trustworthy to everyone around me, and I felt betrayed to not be treated with the respect. Even if it had hurt me, I still would have wanted to know about the absence of my new personality. The vehicle had barely come to a halt when I leapt out of the door, and there was no stopping my movements once I was across the unsteady gravel of the road. Mikey was waiting for me at the doorway of the school, but in a fit of sudden rage I shoved past him. The feel of my hands on his leather clothed shoulders left a cooled sensation on my fingertips, but I ignored it and continued my parade to the dorm. I'm going to ignore him for as long as possible which unfortunately will probably not last very long. I'm famous for having a very weak ability to stay away from him, but I was hoping I could do so for just long enough to send him a message. 

I managed to reach the bedroom before I was stopped, and I did a face plant onto the plush mattress. My body was weighing down into it like a pile of bricks, and the exhaustion began to carry me away slowly back into the world of the unknown. 

I sat up again, and my eyes scanned the dark cave. Rocks were blocking the only direction that smelled of fresh air, and panic began to settle deeply into my skin. Wherever I am, I'm stuck in a small area, and the pitch black darkness told me that I was deep under the crust of the earth. I ran my hands over the solidly stone walls, and my panic only rose when my palm came back full of moisture. Come to think of it, my feet are starting to feel a bit soggy... Oh please don't tell me I'm stuck with flowing water. My breathing accelerated, and I felt as if my body was about to give out. Ever since I was a little boy, the idea of drowning cold and alone has scared me badly. I guess... I guess in order to make that happen I have to bite back my fear and put my energy into getting the hell out of here. I'm not going to pass away this easily.

My fingers began to search for a small holes that I could possibly fit my fingers into to pull the barricade free, and I felt my nubby finger nails beginning to bleed from the constant use. Finally I felt like I had found a purchase, but the water was already up to my waist. The liquid surrounded my body in an uncomfortable tightness, and I began to tug and tug at the stone underneath my hands. The amount of force I had to put in to get such a small stone out of the wall was shocking, but I persevered because I had to. The thought of dying made me pull even harder, but the water was up to my hips by the time the stone came loose. Even though I had attacked a pebble where it should have brought down all of the rocks, the wall remained completely solid. At least a little bit of light is flowing in here now. 

I stuck my hand through the hole to get a better grip on one of the other rocks, and it came lose very soon after I put all of my weight into pulling it. I attempted to push through my shoulders through the gap, but they were wide and bony; I was having a bit of trouble squishing through. Maybe it would work if I was a cat or miraculously knew how to dislocate my shoulder whenever I wanted to. However, I was neither, so I began to pull at another one of the boulders. The water had flowed up to my chest, and the panic continued to rush throughout my system. Luckily for me my response to a constant flow of adrenaline was to fight rather than freeze, and I managed to jerk the final rock I needed from the hole. I swiftly crawled out of it, and a thought that hadn't yet crossed my mind hit me like a bullet. The water must be coming from somewhere, and the only gap in that cavern was the area that the rocks had fallen... 

I waded through the cavern with my wet, saturated clothes dragging back my forward progress, and I managed to catch my current appearance in the reflection of the water. I was much older than in real life, and I could even see a hint of gray hair in my blonde head. However, the most notable thing I saw was that I was actually a female in this life. Historians in our time were unable to decipher if there was every a female warlock master, and I was pretty glad that there was. Now no one can yell at the civilization of my birth for being sexist in its choosing of the next person to rule after my death. My clothing appeared to be animal skin, and it was only covering the parts of my body that would be considered immodest and sinful. Even though I was female, my arms were lined with muscles, and I could only imagine what kind of time period I was in. It's safe to assume that it's very far before the modern world, but how far is impossible to ever figure out.

I freed myself from the vast cave system before looking around, and a lot of the land was left completely untouched. There may not be animals in the area, but I hardly even noticed as I looked for fellow humans. My eyes scanned the foliage around me on the vast plain, and I caught sight of a bow and a sword. My mind told me that they were familiar, so I went and picked them up. I put the blade into the sheath that has been on my hip this whole time before looking for more signs of other humans, and it took my untrained eyes a few moments in order to lock upon the trampled upon grass. I followed the invisible path, but it was growing steadily more difficult in the pouring rain rushing over my body. 

Soon all of the grass was flat, and I sat in the middle with no ideas on how to find whatever group this master belonged to. However, once again before I could find where I was supposed to be going, I was sitting up in my bed. I don't think that producing this much sweat is a healthy good idea, but it isn't my fault that the fear from these situations makes my body want to produce liquid. The room was still dark, so I laid back down to sleep. I'll think about this again in the morning.

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