27. Another One

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Benji's POV

As I walked alone through the hallways, I allowed my thoughts to wander beyond the now... Into my past life...

"Benji, your dad and I have something to talk to you about," my original mother announced while we sat at the dinner table.

"What is it mama!?" I was only 10 in the memory, but it's still one I look back upon fondly. My mother smiled before grabbing onto my father's hand, and I saw her place one hand on her stomach.

"Benjamin, you're going to be a big brother."


"I'm pregnant."

"Really!? That's so cool!"

My mother's shoulders relaxed completely, and she shared a smile with my father. "I'm glad you're excited, dear."

"Is it gonna be a boy or a girl!?"

"A boy."

"Yay!" I bounced excitedly in my chair. All of my friends had always talked about their younger siblings, and I just knew that I wanted one. Being an only child can be lonely sometimes. My dad walked around the table before ruffling my hair, and I pouted. "Dad you know I don't like that!"

"That's exactly why I do it."


"Now go to sleep. It's bed time for you."

"Dad! Can't I stay up a bit longer?"

"You know the answer is no. You have school tomorrow."

"Awww... Okay..."

"Night Benji."

"Night dad!"


"Benji, meet your baby brother, Samuel."

"He's so cute! Can I hold him?"

"Mhm, but be careful." Mama instructed me on how to correctly hold the new born before carefully setting him in my arms. The little baby's cloudy eyes looked up at me with very little focus, and he didn't start crying– which I see as a win. His eyes were a stereotypical blue color, and I noticed how adorable they were all huge. "He likes you, Benji."

"Well I should hope so," I retorted cockily, and both of my parents shared a chuckle. "Are all babies this... Gentle?"

"Yes. I hope one day you'll get to hold one of your own. It's the best feeling in the world."

"Me too! I'll name it... Maverick!"

"You can name your baby whatever you want." My Mama gently pulled the baby out of my grasp, and the little bundle curled up to her slowly.

"Come on, Benji. Let's go play in the yard and let Mama get some rest."

"Oooh! What are we playing?" My ten year old attention span had me flying out of the house, and my dad chuckled loudly.



"But mama, I don't want to babysit!" I was 11 years old, and I was planning to go out with Connor that night. However, my parents needed a break, and they had asked me to take care of Sammy.

"That's too bad, Benji. Bring Connor over to the house if you want to see him that bad. You two can learn a hint of responsibility."

"Okay." I sulked back to my bedroom to text Connor the change, and he agreed reluctantly. Hanging out at home with my baby brother isn't nearly as fun as going out to the arcade.

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