33. Split

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Yeah, like Hell I'm just going to sit here and do nothing. I may not be able to do much, but I can still do something like help protect others. I want to fight, and when I want something there's no telling me not to. I followed into the confusion of students kitting up, and I pulled on some random armor that fit on my body. Everyone was getting into practiced orders, and I thought that this was when I was toast. I was worried that I would be found in a place I shouldn't be and get into more troubles. However, in my gold armor and having started school so late, I blended in with everyone else around me. I was getting to this fight whether they like it or not. I could tell that the boy beside me knew, probably because I was a different person than in their practice formations, but he also kept his mouth shut. Snitches do get stitches after all. One would think that someone would tell on me for my risky behavior, but it's much better this way. It's not like I'm going to fuck something up. "Move out!" the leader of our section shouted, and I followed the jostling bodies of those around me. Shout out to my marching band training; it makes it easy for me to find the rhythm of those around me and match it almost exactly.

We got onto a tightly packed bus, and the boy that had noticed me earlier turned to me. "You're that freshman kid, aren't you? The one that set off a lockdown?"

"Yeah, I guess that's me."

"I don't know your motivation to be here; frankly it's quite dangerous to throw your life out here like this, but I'm going to give you your best chance at survival." The boy began to talk a bit about some of the maneuvers we would have to do, and I listened intently. I may be blatantly denying orders and ignoring the fact that I don't have any training at all, but I do actually care about my life believe it or not.

"And that's about all you need to know. Any questions?"

"I don't think so."

It took another 30 minutes for the bus to come to a stop, and I stood up with the rest of the group. The air was slightly bitter and cold, but I was prepared for this to happen. I have lived in the south my whole life, and I have no cold tolerance in the slightest. The only time we even see snow is when it's the dead of winter, and even then we never get to play in it because it's just gone the next day. It's a sad, sad life as far as cold goes. I think I might die if I ever have to move north in the winter. I'll have to wear 79 layers just to keep myself from freezing to death. The teacher began to call roll from the front of the bus, and I remembered that the kid next to me said that I had taken a person known as Nyle's spot on the lineup, so I called out here when his name was called. This had previously been one of the more challenging spots, but with my new friend, it was made almost hilariously simple to go places I shouldn't go. Once they stopped calling role, we were lead to a grass field, and they had us just standing there like bumps on a log.

"I forgot to mention, if they say scatter, go out, but stay close enough to hear their voices in case we need to retreat. If you don't get back on the bus, then the person you're playing as will be counted as dead in the school system, and they'll find out what you did when he isn't dead."

"Okay," I breathed back at him, and he turned his head back to the front when attention was called. The entire field was totally silent, and I could feel the tension all over everyone. It made my heart start pounding in my chest, but I would never say that out loud. I have to be strong; I have to forget my fear of my own magic. I am determined to make a positive mark on this mission; whether they like it or not. The only sound I could hear was the quiet breathing of those around me, but it was suddenly much louder as the rumbling began again. At least attention position is strong enough that none of us got knocked over. I wasn't too alarmed since it had happened before. Well, that is before the Earth's crush split open right in front of us. The force knocked everyone onto our asses, and it was anarchy within a few split seconds. Even the teachers were panicking; no one had predicted the earth to just split open like that. Whatever was coming, it was powerful, and I was certain of one thing: I should have stayed home.


Devon's POV

I was about halfway to stupid Applebee's when I got a call from Oliver, and I sighed before picking it up. "What is it baby?" My voice was clearly strained from the fact that I have been in the car for over an hour, but his was straight up panicked.

"Where are you!?" he shouted into the phone, and I jumped because his voice was usually so quiet that I had my phone volume jacked up nearly to the limit. However, the volume proved to be way too much with my wolf hearing and the extreme volume, and I jumped so hard that my foot hit into the accelerator, and my vehicle slammed into the car in front of me. My baby!

"In the car, my dad made me go get Applebee's for him."

"Turn around now!"

"I can't, and why what happened?"

"My father escaped his prison; the ground split open. How far away are you that you couldn't feel that stupid earth quake?"

"About an hour."

"Well get back. Now."

"I can't. You made me crash the car." A man got out of the large truck in front of me, and he was redder than a firetruck. I could see the spit flying out of his mouth, and I shivered in disgust. I mean, his truck was huge, so I knew he would have a small cock; I would say about 1 inch based on the two back wheels on each side of his truck.

"How did I make you crash the car? Are you blaming me for something you did again? Dev you know I hate that."

"No, you shouted at me when your voice is usually so quiet. It shocked me a lot, and I hit the accelerator much too hard. You know that my full body spasms when I get scared."

"I'm sorry, okay? Just come back running with your wolf; it'll be much quicker than the car anyways."

"Babe this man I hit is really mad. He's kind of slamming on my window angrily."

"Dammit. Just get out, hit him hard, and run."

"Oli that's illegal."

"So is driving that car anywhere but Georgia, but if you've been driving for an hour than you're probably in Alabama by now."

"Way to point out all of the illegal things I do."

"Listen, they have no way to link that vehicle back to you. We got it off of an auction, and the title is still in some old dead guy's name."

"Fine. I'll be there in 20 minutes."


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