35. Cover

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Benji's POV

Once we got back to the school, I stood with those around me a bit longer. They called role again to make certain we were all there before sending us all back to our dorms, and I made towards that direction after taking off my armor. I was careful to make sure that the teachers didn't see my real face as I bustled down the hallway, and I managed to get back into my dorm without raising any suspicions. Well, that is until I turned around and saw Mikey with his arms crossed. His brown eyes traced me up and down, and he sighed before shaking his head. "You're so glad I covered for you with the teachers."

"What do you mean?"

"I know you were out running around with the warriors, Benji. I don't know how you didn't get caught by our crazy teachers, but you will be if you aren't careful."

"You aren't mad?"

"No. What you choose to do with your life is your own business. I don't know what you have against keeping yourself safe, but it isn't my job to keep you out of trouble. I care about whether you live or die, but you're allowed to make your own choices. Now come, I made food. I know you have an unhealthy obsession with it."

"Oh, I'm actually not staying."

"What are you planning Benjamin."

"I'm going back to the field."

"Are you insane? What if you're caught, or even worse, what if I get caught aiding your escape and hiding it from the teachers. We would both be in deep trouble."

"Mikey, my family is in that field. I have to go to make sure they all survive."

"Fine, you can go. We'll just hope that the teachers continue to believe my on the toilet lies; its weirdly normal for new students to get stomach aches. I still think there's something in the food that the stomach needs to get used to... Maybe dog meat?"

"Whatever it is, it's a great cover. Thanks Mikey."

"Hey Ben, one more thing."

"What is it?"

"Try and stay alive? I want to continue to act on what we did last night." My cheeks flushed as memories of his lips against mine came flooding into my mind, and I nodded my head slowly.

"Yeah, I'll definitely do that for you." His smile extended, and I knew that I had successfully sent him the message that I enjoyed what happened last night. I slowly slid the window to the living room open, and I turned back to look at him with sparkling eyes. He had walked a bit closer to me, and his hand gently rested on my shoulder.

"Don't you dare die on me."

"I already said I wouldn't."

"I know, I'm just worried about you."

"I won't get too involved in the main conflict."

"I'm trusting you to come home to me, Benji. Don't fail me."

"No, never."

I spared him one more glance before jumping out of the window, and my feet hit the grass silently. I crouched down in the bushes when I heard two teachers walking by on the school's field, and they were talking something about not letting any inexperienced students escape. Hah, I would like to see you try. I sighed at my lack of a spell book before imagining myself invisible, and I used the amount of magical energy required to bring the spell to life. I noticed that using my mana for spells I didn't know used up my magic much quicker, but I didn't need it for long. However, by the time I had gotten past the treeline, I had to take a break to make sure that I had as much magic as possible for when I had to face our foe. I heard the voices get closer, and I used that as motivation to get moving. I started by walking while I got my energy back before beginning to run, and I continued like that until I got to the clearing in question. I could see others in the opposite treeline, and I walked all the way around the field so that I wasn't spotted prematurely and told to go back by my dad. Clearly, my idea wasn't the best one, because when I suddenly appeared behind Connor he nearly beat the shit out of me. Yeah, I probably should have made a noise or something before I just randomly touched his shoulder. Oh well, that's a decision of the past. "What are you doing here," he whispered harshly after pushing me into a nearby bush, and I was shocked that no one noticed his was missing. Everyone was so focused on the tear in the center of the clearing.

"I wanted to help."

"This is plain stupid. You're 17, totally untrained, and incapable of perceiving the right time to fight or when to show peace. How did you even know this was where we were?"

"Well I originally tried sneaking into the group of student warriors but that plan failed."

"I have never seen such blatant disregard for one's life before. Go home."


"Why not? Will you listen if I get my dad to tell you?"

"Connor, I am not going home. I want to help with the fight; I'm a part of this family now, too."

"Listen, even your father isn't here. He said something about staying with a soulmate who was linked to the foe in ways that made it so that he couldn't come with us, but we all know that he was also afraid. The last time we tried to fight this man, he killed papa. Does that not even scare you in the slightest?"

"No, it doesn't scare me actually."

"That's it, I'm getting my dad to send you home." He dragged me back out of the bush by my arm, and he pulled me right up to his father.

"Not now Connor. The time is near."

"This is important, dad." Oliver turned around to look at us, and he facepalmed when he saw me.

"Didn't you tell him about the danger?"

"Yeah, I did."

"And he's still here?"

"Yeah, he is."

"Then there's nothing I can do."


"Connor, it's his own choice to be here. If he's anything like his father, he'll just come back when we're distracted, and it'll be harder to keep him safe. I'm tasking you with making sure he doesn't die."

"Don't I already have a job?"

"Yeah, but it was actually just so we could tell you we were giving you a job so you would stop breathing down our necks about being important. Well congrats, your occupation is now chief Benji protector."

"That encourages me a lot."

"Wasn't supposed to. Now get back in position before I put you there myself."

Connor lead me back to the spot I found him in, and his annoyed blue eyes glared coldly at me. "Don't get into unnecessary danger please."


Suddenly, the ground shook more intensely than ever before, and a bright flash occurred all around the field. I closed my eyes quickly, and I made sure to open them again once the light died. A man was stood in the middle of the field, and I felt my heartbeat accelerate beyond healthy levels. He was dirty and looked like a rat, but I could see the power in his posture. "Who missed me!?"

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