20. Nature

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Jack's POV

As my son bounced away, the stress I felt from before came tumbling back down onto my already tired shoulders. I still have to find Dan's killer, and he's already been gone for 17 years. I feel stupid for not noticing the handwriting sooner than now, but what can I do about that. It also hurts me that I was hurting his son without even realizing it, but I'll try to help him out a bit.

"Who could it be!?" I shouted while throwing a notebook at the wall, and I watched the papers clipped inside go flying. They reminded me of my emotions as they spiraled down, and I felt a tear leak down my face as well. Just when I was starting to come to a close on that whole situation, this happens? Does the universe enjoy playing games with me?


"What is it Oliver," I spat. I don't know why, but I'm just angry at him.

"No need to bite my head off. I brought you a list of demons that may be the killer and a one day pass into hell to run an investigation."


"Well I was thinking about what you said, and there is a remote possiblity. There was a time where I wasn't totally in control of my people; a few still had a loyalty to my father. It's a possibility that they were attempting to kill Dev and failed, and if that was the truth I want you to find the criminal. I'm very strict on murdering mortals that are still living; they will face a high punishment."

"Are you sure? I won't get hurt in Hell, right?"

"I am certain, and no you won't be hurt in Hell. This pass is one of the highest ones a mortal can receive. You have access to every place in hell, and the price for killing you is a life of torture. No one wants that; they all know what my torture does to people." The man's smirk was dark, and I knew that this was a side he rarely showed in the over world. I don't really care what he does with those in Hell, but he isn't going to be hurting anyone here. Devon won't let him.

"Thank you so much!" I squealed, and I think he was slightly taken aback when I flung my arms around his shoulders.

"You're welcome?" His voice was uncomfortable, and it was only then that I realized how awkward this was.

"Sorry." I took quite a few steps away, and he calmed down. For some reason, he's always been very sensitive to touch from anyone other than Dev and his kids. I'd imagine that it had to do with his upbringing, but sometimes I forget things when I get happy.

"It's fine. I set it up to go tomorrow, so you can go as early as you want and stay as late as 11:30. Just don't overstay your welcome or someone will probably have your head and there's nothing I can do to stop it."

"That's very reassuring."

"Drop the sarcasm."

"Sir yes sir."

"I'm going to kill you."


He looked confused at my response, and that was when I decided to take my leave before he actually does kill me. That man has an aura that grates on my skin, and I don't really like to sit near him for a long time. However, I still do it because I seriously care about Devon. I can't show blatant dislike for the demon or I would make Dev upset. However, in the moment, I'm overfilled with joy. Not only was I allowed to enter Hell to investigate, but Oliver admitted that he was wrong. I'm here, and I'm ready to investigate Daniel's death.


Benji's POV

I arrived at school with Connor, and I skipped my way into the classroom. My happiness at being in a familiar place was very obvious, but no one else knew why I was so jolly. In fact, I got many double looks from people who expected me to still be grieving my family. I don't know why, but I've almost forgotten them in the constant rain of new activities flooding my system. I miss their wisdom, sure, but an entirely new world opened up to me. I do, however, wonder who my other parent is. I've never seen Jack get romantically involved with anyone, and I have to admit that the thought would be nearly completely alienated in my mind. I walked back to my seat in the far back right, and I saw Will sitting there with a large bruise forming on his right arm. His jaw was clenched tightly when he saw me, and his normally inviting hazel eyes were cold and reserved. I wanted to reach out to him and ask what was wrong, but I already knew. I hurt him both physically and mentally.

Class ticked by slowly, and I watched as the long hand moved slowly around. It was a notes day in class, and I was struggling not to fall asleep. I mean, I had slept in the forest last night. I was doing that thing with my magic, and nothing super eventful was currently going on. That is, until the fire alarm screeched in my ear, and I sighed in relief that I got to stand up and move around. That and I could get away from the tension radiating from beside me. It was a temperate day, and I was really happy to be outside. I like to feel the breeze and the sun on my skin. I feel much more free when I'm in nature.

My name was close to last in the attendance, so I allowed myself to think freely while Mr. Smith called out names. My mind was finally at rest, and I hugged my arms to my chest. There were only a few clouds hanging in the sky, and they were all a beautiful shade of white that framed the sky's striking blue. I was glad that it was the middle of the fall because it wasn't super hot, and I was entirely comfortable in just jeans and a t-shirt. Screw Georgia heat, I'm just saying.

"Benjamin Peirce," Mr. Smith called out, and I replied with a quick here. Clearly the school was updated with my last name which was currently the same as Connor's as far as human school is concerned. I have a different last name pretty much everywhere I go; let the girls have fun trying to figure it out.

A voice called out for us to go inside, and I was able to hide my disappointment well. It's unfair to keep is all locked up on such a nice day, but no one really cares about my opinion. While we walked, I saw Will talking to Connor, and my cousin's face was one of pure confusion. He looked like he had been thrown for a loop on something, but I assumed he was just shocked by the fire drill. Now that I have supernatural hearing, that shit is like an air horn without a limit. Well, I assumed that until I saw Will shove Con down and walk away... Something deeper is going on here.

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