12. Accident

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When I took a moment to look around, I realized that I was deep underground. The adults had made me tag along with them on whatever this quest is, and I was spending my time bothering Connor with random conversations. It's very safe to say that I'm extremely bored. "Okay, we need to be quieter now. I don't know how secure his prison is now, and I don't need anyone getting hurt under my watch." Dad looked very serious, and his red eyes sent shivers down my spine that I didn't want. I'm not scared of them anymore, but my body is saying I should be. Papa beckoned forward, and we began to move forward silently. There was a persistent water drip that was ringing in my ears, and I wanted to turn around and run.

When we rounded another corner, I heard this horrible shouting that grew louder the closer we got. It was a horrible cry in an unfamiliar language that made me cringe on my feet. Connor looked even more horrified, so I assumed it was a demonic language chant. I just know that it was harsh and has few vowels unlike typical English.

"Stand back," Connor instructed in my ear when we got there, but I was dragged forward by Papa anyways. Connor looked like he wanted to say something, but he just sulked up as well. Papa plugged some earbuds into me ears to help with the noise, and I heard him begin to whisper instructions in my ear. Nothing made sense, but I nodded along like i understood all of the magical words he was dropping. Something about using my magic but keeping it stable? Beats me.

Suddenly, everyone began to form a line, and we stood in front of a contorting clear barrier. I could see a gross ass looking man in the room, but he didn't seem to be able to see me... Magic is creepy. My hand was squeezed, and when I turned to look at Papa, his head nodded jerkily. Other people's magic began to flow through me, and I added a bit of mine on. Suddenly, my power slipped out of my ability, and it sent a huge surge through me and everyone else around me. It was felt widely through everyone else, and they all dropped their hands quickly. However, since I was on the end, papa got the worst of it, and he fell over clutching his head.

Dad's eyes widened, and he quickly picked up his soulmate before running up the tunnel. Connor followed closely behind, and everyone else ran a few moments later. My hand was grabbed by my grandfather, and his green eyes held a lot of sympathy for me. I didn't mean to hurt anyone; they should have known my magic was unpredictable and dangerous! As soon as we got close to the surface, he pulled out my earphones and hugged me gently. "We know you didn't mean to hurt him. It was stupid for us to try and include you with your fragile magic. I'm sorry for the emotional and verbal abuse you're about to go through from Oliver, but it'll turn out okay.

As soon as I walked out of the hole, I could hear papa's loud shouts of pain. The night was dark, but there was light over him being produced by Jack. Dad was holding him up and shouting instructions at him, but it didn't seem to help as a weird glow resonated from his chest. Suddenly, another form popped out of his body, and the screaming stopped abruptly.

The world was very, very silent for a few seconds before a loud bark came from over in that direction. I looked over, and there was a stunning wolf standing over Papa. He had fur with so many shades of brown it could qualify as an art project and icy blue eyes that made me want to shiver in my skin. "What the fuck!" Dad shouted while looking between the two, and papa just stared at the wolf like it was an old friend.

"Oliver, this is Sebastian."

"Yes but why is your wolf not in your body anymore?"

"I couldn't tell you."

Sebastian the wolf nuzzled his head under Dev's arm, and he giggled a bit. It was heart warming to see the pair, but I felt bad for making them be separated. My granddad pushed me over to them, and I nearly got a face full of teeth from dad. However, out of a split second reaction, I kneed him so hard in the nuts that he fell backwards onto the grass.

The fully grown man began to shout and cry at the pain, but everyone else just chuckled. "Papa, I'm really sorry. I was trying to keep it under wraps, but it just wanted to come out. I couldn't stop it or give a warning because it was so sudden!"

"Benji, it's okay. You're an untrained warlock, and a powerful one at that. It was wrong for me to expect so much of you."

"I know, but now we have a situation!"

When the wolf knocked me over, I got nervous that it was going to kill me for what I did to it. The poor thing has probably never been out in the real world, and I made him have to experience that. However, he just started to lick my face over and over again, and I started to giggle at the funny feeling.

"Sebastian! Seb stop it, he doesn't want your wolf slobber!" The wolf stopped licking me finally, and I looked up into his icy blue eyes. Papa managed to push the wolf off of my chest, and he began to tell off the poor wolf for tackling me. Connor came to pick me up, and I leaned against his chest to watch the human and wolf bicker. Jack walked over to me, and he looked at me with a strange expression. "Benji, all young warlocks usually go to the same place. It's a school known as Riverside, and they can help you get used to using your powers. You should go."

"Sir, I don't want to go!"

"Benjamin, you have to. I'm not asking you, I'm now telling you. Your powers are stronger than most, and it's very dangerous to have your magic build and build. Last time you burst, you initiated a pack wide power outage."

"But all of my friends! My memories from here!"

"You'll come back in a few years, and you can see them all again. You need to be able to control your magic or you'll end up hurting either yourself or others. Please, trust me when I say that you need to go."

"Guys, thanks to Benji's magical outburst, the shield containing my father is back to an operating standard. We're safe for now, boys." Dad looked proud, but it wasn't of me and my crazy, unpredictable magic burst. It was just that we managed to get his father secured; he probably doesn't want anything to do with me after what I did to his soulmate.

Jack grabbed onto my arm while I was thinking and dragged me to a car. I tried to get out of his grip, but he kept talking about how good it would be for me. It didn't take long until I was being shipped far away from here... To Riverside.

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