36. First Attack

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I watched the man standing in the center of the clearing, and I could tell based on the reaction of those around me that he was the foe we were all worried about. Other than his power stance, he honestly didn't look too scary. Although, if he had Oliver thoroughly terrified, he had to pack a mean punch.

"Awww, no one man enough to come out and face me? That's too bad; I would have had fun taking your lives. No matter, I know you're all in those bushes. It will be fun to pick all of you off in front of each other." Suddenly, Oliver stood up and walked out. I could see his husband open his mouth to protest, but he remained silent. I could tell he held fear of the man's father; much more than the rest of us. Then again, that makes sense considering he died the first time. I still can't explain that no matter how hard I try.

"I'm here," Oliver demanded clearly, and his deep voice resounded around the clearing. He looked around slightly nervously, but he didn't let it show anymore once his father began to speak once more.

"Ahh, Oliver. I had a feeling you would still be here. I had a plan of greatness for you, and you threw it down the drain as soon as you met that useless wolf." Dev cringed, but he knew that the former demon king was just speaking out of his ass, I hoped. Connor's jaw was clenched, and his fists were so tight that I could see the knuckles turning white. I put my hand on his upper arm softly to calm him down a bit, and I was glad to see it worked when he allowed his tense shoulders to relax again. "No matter. Join me, and we can be great together."

"You're insane if you think I'll consider doing that. I know this is a foreign idea to you, but I'm happy here."

"This is why I could never trust your mother; she planted so many fabricated thoughts in you kid's heads."

"Actually, she gave us a bit of humanity."

"Where did my beautiful wife go, I may ask?"

"Back to the man she was with before you. These things are beside the point." Oliver was dressed in rather heavy winter attire. His jacket collar went all the way up to his chin, and it was thickly insulated with fur. His pants were actually designed to be used to shovel snow, and I had to wonder if this was a bit overboard. I mean, it's cold outside, but there's nothing that serious. Then again, hell is hot, so I can see where it's coming from.

"You always were a serious one, weren't you Oliver. Then again, that may have been the threat I constantly held over your head. Join me, or I'll do it again."

"Pfft. You can't do that to me anymore. I don't live in your tyrannical Hell anymore; I made my own version. A place where the citizens know what it feels like to be treated kindly. It's not like you ever did anything for them when you were king; you know, like was supposed to be your job?"

"Now now, Oliver. I can see that my time away never did anything to fix that mouthing problem of yours." The man took a step towards him, and Oli took another two steps backwards. I could tell that whatever the old man had done to him back in the day, it was scarring to him. "You can't fight the inevitable. I'll get you, and your entire family. I'll crush you between my fingers like the dustiest hairball in the world. Do not test me."

"Yeah, I don't really think that you can."

"Oh yeah?" His fingers snapped, and a group of demons suddenly appeared behind out group. They pulled Connor away from me despite my attempts to hold onto him, and I also saw a terrified Devon being drawn forward. The two men fought on their own to get free, but it was a losing battle; six demons against a wolfless were and a barely matured demon.

"Let them go."

"Join me."


"Fine then." He looked over at the men that were holding onto Connor, and they held him tighter. Their arms went around his neck, and they began to squeeze slowly around his windpipe. The horrifying noises of his choking came to my ears, and I couldn't just sit by and watch. It was now or never; I have to face my magic fears. I got behind a bit of cover before getting into the stance I was taught, and I locked my eyes on the two men holding him while a third killed him slowly. I stepped my right foot forward, and I thrusted my left hand along with it at one of the men. I allowed myself to feel the magic flow through my body, and my red electricity shot right at them. I saw it hit one man's head, and he fell back dead. It appears that electricity is too much even for a demon body. I flung my right palm into the air right after, and I just now noticed that everything was moving in slow motion for me. Oh well, don't lose focus. The magic coming from my right palm struck the opposite man down in a fit of red, and he slowly fell towards the ground just like the other man. I didn't know what to do with the third man, so I decided on what my teacher had said the more advanced version was.

Instead of putting my left foot on the ground, I shifted my weight all of the way onto my right before shoving my magic right down my leg. The power shocked down it while leaving a reassuring buzz in its wake, and I watched the red bolt travel towards the third man at an impressive speed. It hit him right between the eyes, and his body went limp as soon as the strike fried his brain. His arms came loose from Connor's neck as he fell, and time soon came back to normal when I put my left foot down on the crunchy leaves. My breathing came quick, and my mind was running at a million miles a minute. Now freed, Connor took the opportunity to gracefully run up to his papa's captors, and I prepared myself to strike to his aid again. The boy revealed all of his demonic features before diving head in, and all of the enemies blasted away from him in a large burst of air he had created. He grabbed onto his papa tightly before pulling him back to the bushes, and I could tell that he king man was still in shock from the first strike. There were still little red crackles surrounding me, but they dropped as soon as the older man turned around and sprinted away. His cowardly action drew laughter from the crowd, but it was definitely a close call with death.

Connor rushed up to me after getting his papa to safety, and I was enveloped into a tight hug from the boy. I hugged back with just as much intensity, but the embrace was nothing but friendly. "Thank you... I thought I was a goner."

"So can I stay?"

"Whenever he strikes again, I'll invite you personally."


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