26. Kiss

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"Dpnf po, Nbsub. Epo'u mfbwf nf boe zpvs tpo!" (Come on, Marta. Don't leave me and your son.)

"Eft, J ibwf up cf xjui nz tpvmnbuf!" (Des, I have to be with my soulmate!)

"Tp pvt mpwf nfbot opuijoh up zpv?" (So our love means nothing to you?)

"Eft... Qmfbtf ublf dbsf pg pvs dijme... If'mm cf ljmmfe jg j epo'u mfbwf." (Des... Please take care of our child... He'll be killed if I don't leave.)

"Ipx tp, Nbsub!?" (How so, Marta!?)

"Nz tpvmnbuf jt Ljoh Etbz." (My soulmate is King Dray.)

"Nz hpe." (My God.)

"Hppe czf, Eft." (Good bye, Dez.)

"Xjmm j fwfs tff zpv bhbjo?" (Will I ever see you again?)

"J epo'u lopx." (I don't know.)

The scene switched suddenly, and an 8 year old boy slid from the shadows. "Ebeez epft npnnz ibuf nf?" (Daddy does mommy hate me?)

"Pg dpvstf opu, Lzmf." (Of course not, Kyle.)

"Uifo xiz eje tif mfbwf?" (Then why did she leave?)

"J'mm ufmm zpv xifo zpv bsf pmefs." (I'll tell you when you're older.)

Flashing again, the screen in front of my eyes swapped to another memory. In this one, Kyle was 14, and he was staring at Oliver's father with a lot of fear in his eyes. The man held Kyle's dad by the collar of his shirt, and I saw a dark power in his hand.

"Work for me, and I'll let him go. Refuse, and you both die."

"Please don't hurt him!"

"Then join me, Kyle."

"What are you going to make me do?"

"Whatever I damn well please!" The magic flared closer to Kyle's dad, and the teenager shook his head harshly to clear it.

"Fine! Fine... I'll work for you."

"Kyle don't–"

"Shut it old man!" Dray chucked Kyle's father onto the floor before grabbing onto the younger boy and dragging him into the castle.

I dragged my gaze from the screen, and it took me a few moments to find the hole I got in with. I squeezed back out gently and slide back into my body through the contact of my hand... Time to tell a crazy warlock some good news.


Jack's POV

It only took a few seconds before Allystar came back to his body, and he turned around to look at us.

"What's the verdict?" Dev asked. He was leaned nonchalantly against the bathroom door, but his posture was quite harsh. I knew he was just as anxious as me to hear the results of the search.

"He's fine to date. I'll let him tell you why his past was as bad as it was."

A bright smile came across my face, and Devon also grinned for me. "Thank you a lot."

"It wasn't a problem kid. I can see why you made me do it; the outside of that shit was filthy."

Kyle groaned loudly on the table, and Dev shared a smirk with Allystar before pulling me into the closet. "Guys, what are you doing?" I asked loudly, and I saw Dev pull out a rope. "Devon out that down, I–" Suddenly, he shoved a sock in my mouth, and the two began to tie me up.

"Think it'll work?"



I heard a loud click from the direction of the door, and my trained ears could recognize it as a lock. They did not just do that... Then again I wouldn't put it past Dev to lock me in a room.

"Ngh... Hello?" His voice is so deep and smooth... I could listen to it for hou– No! Bad! "Uh, whoever kidnapped me forgot the restraints." Right, it does seem like a kidnapping to him. "Listen man, I have a gun." I could hear him clambering around outside, and soon just outside of the door, a sharp inhale came. The door was kicked open abruptly, and he looked down at me with worried eyes. Devon you sly bastard; are you going to make him heroically save me. "Oh my goodness Jack! Are you okay!?" He quickly rushed to remove the sock from my mouth, but the door to the room opened again. I saw a flash of Allystar's face before he kicked Kyle into the closet by his back, and the door slammed closed behind him.

With the weight of the other man on top of me, I couldn't help but let out a loud groan that was muffled by the sock. Curse my family! Kyle immediately pulled the item out of my jaw, and I could see his worried red eyes glowing through the darkness of the closet. "Please tell me you're alright." You know what? If my family are going to act and make it seem like I've been kidnapped, so will I.

"I don't know for sure... I'm really scared," I breathed harshly while panting, and his eyes bore into mine nervously. His long, warn fingers began to pull at the knots on my wrists and ankles, and I noted how gentle he was being with me. It's been a lifetime since someone's handled me with this much care, and I just now realized how much I missed being held; just how much I craved romantical affection from another human. He did my ankles before my wrists, and I hugged him tightly around the neck as soon as I was free.

"Hey, hey it's okay. I'm going to keep you safe, and we're going to get out of here."

"What if we're stuck here forever!?"

"Please don't worry, Jack."

"I'm sorry..."

"Don't be sorry, either."

"I should be. I left you all alone in hell because of one thing."

"It was my fault. My past is very, very bad. I don't blame you for dropping me like a fly to protect yourself."

"That doesn't make it right, Kyle. Please find a way to forgive me."

"I don't need to. I already do forgive you. I just need a chance to show you how much I've changed since I was a teenager."

"I'll give to you under one condition."


"Whenever we get out of here, I want cuddles. Lots of them."

"I can provide that very easily for you."

"I'm glad... I need attention."

"I can be very affectionate when I wish to be."

"I can be an attention whore when I'm lonely."

"Well then I guess it works."

"Yep!" I slammed my fist against the closet door, and Kyle looked at me kind of like I was crazy.

"What's the password!?" Allystar shouted, and I knew he thought it was the front door.





Kyle stared at me in pure disbelief, and I saw his eyes nearly poo from his skull. "Are you having casual conversation with a kidnapper."

"No. He's my kind of uncle-ish thing. He and my adoptive brother locked me in here."

"Uhhhh why?"

"Because MY ADOPTIVE BROTHER IS AN IDIOT and low-key kidnapped you to figure out if you were fit for datung or not."

"And am I?"




"So how do we get out of here?"

"I think... I think we kiss."

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