65. Counsel

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Benji's POV

When my eyes cracked open again, the moon was shining down the hole and illuminating my entire body. However, I'm confident that the light wasn't what awoke me, but rather the fact that some kind of eyes were on me. I don't know if it's a rat or a venomous snake, but something is watching me sleep and it's extremely creepy. I rolled over in the limited space, and my back hit something large and warm. What the fuck is that, oh my god I'm totally going to die down here. Just as I was about to cry out in terror, a hand came over my mouth. Oh hell no. I bit into the hand as hard as I could, but the other person didn't let me go. "Calm down," a voice breathed in my ear, and the comforting sound made me calm down immediately. My father is here. I nodded my head to tell him that I would, and he finally took his sweaty hand away from my mouth so that I can breathe. 

"Have you come down here to laugh at me as well," I grumbled lowly, and his head shook from left to right to show that it wasn't his intention. I should have remembered that a father's love never leaves, even if he does believe that I've done something terrible. I just hope that this doesn't get out to the warlock community and soil all of the work I've done for myself.

"They're idiots, I've been telling them that since they hatched this stupid hypothesis. It doesn't take a genius to realize that you would never do something like that to people you consider their own family. I have my own ideas on the culprit, but they wouldn't like it..."

"Well who do you think it is?"

"I predict that it's one of the omegas. As much as they try to include everyone, the mistreatment is still potent in the lower levels of their pack. This is why I think that the warlock way is so much simpler. Birth right is dumb."

"No one ever explained to me how our government is chosen."

"It's a combination of base ability and progress. Being born the strongest person besides you doesn't necessarily mean that you're going to be high ranking. As you know, the three ranks have three different governments because of the people's need. Masters before you have shown preference to the gold government, but that isn't how it should be. Your job is to give unity to them, not pull them father apart in hierarchy. Anyways, you do remember how the school rankings are chosen correct?"

"Yeah, we get divvied up based on magic content."

"Right. You keep those rankings even after you graduate. Those in the working class go on as normal, but if you want to get a better job or become a member of the government you go to a second school that's kind of like a human college. There your improvement is measured by onlookers. If it's great enough, you are put into a duel with the current head of the government position you've been chosen for. If you win, you're put into the place. If you lose, you'll be put into a higher paying job than just a normal working one. Like potion creating."

"That sounds both complicated and easy to follow at the same time."

"It means that everyone gets equal opportunity whenever you do it right. It's a fair way to live life."


"We've gotten off topic... The point is is that they're trying to combine way too many different races into one and are forgetting the lower ranks... It's making everyone unhappy and I'm sure that someone would just want to refresh."

"It's so complicated."

"That's life. Now, why haven't you gotten yourself out of here. I know you can."

"They threatened my soulmate- whatever that is."

"Oh... So you just submitted to everything they said?"

"Well I don't want them to hurt anyone, and I know what soulmate means for humans. I don't want them to hurt Mikey."

"Benji... He can handle it himself."

"No. My job is to keep all warlocks as safe as possible and that includes him."

"Alright... Fine. Just be careful, ok?"

"I will be."

"And Benji?"


"Remember that I love you."

"Ok dad."

He disappeared from in front of me, and I laid down in solitude again. I wish that I didn't have to sit down here on the hard, uncomfortable stone, but the only alternative would be to sacrifice Mikey which is still off of the table. I just hope tomorrow is better...


"Wake up," Connors voice commanded through my dreams, and I sat up whilst rubbing my head. The morning dew was soaking my whole body, but that was the least of my problems at the moment. I stood up and clawed my way out of the hole, and he grabbed my arm and pulled me up once I was close enough. "Just so you know, I don't want this. Neither does papa. It's all dad and the elder wolves..."

"It's tensions..."

"What do you mean?"

"Somehow our kinds always come to hate each other..."

"Why? It's not like there's a rivalry there."

"Maybe not written, but I think there's something in the mentality of it. Somehow the masters have always come to loath the king of Hell."

"Does that mean you hate me?"

"We're friends for now, and I don't plan to end that."

"I don't either..."

"However I could understand if the future holds something for us... Something that tears us apart."

"Pessimistic. What did you do with the real Benji?"

"I grew up."

"You don't have to be so grown all the time you know. You can let loose."

"Maybe sometimes but not right now."

"Why not? We're friends right?"

"Have you forgotten the situation we're in?"

"Oh I... Guess I did. Sorry."

Silence engulfed us once more, and I sighed louder than I meant to. The noise rang through the morning air, and it was like everything around me had stopped to listen to it. Even the wind was refusing to blow against my skin, and I relished the calm before the storm. As soon as we got close to the tent, Connor grabbed onto my wrists tightly like he probably should have been doing the whole time. It gives me a bit of confidence that he doesn't want this, but also frightens me that there's some power out there that's more influential than him on the force of my life. Others just don't know me like he does.

"Show no fear," Connor encouraged me, and I scoffed confidently.

"Oh please, can't show it if you don't have it." I know he knows I'm fronting to hide the feelings of doubt and terror floating around in my head, but neither of us was ready to say it out loud.

He pushed me the rest of the way into the largest tent, and I was surrounded by a huge group of diplomats from many different beings. Oh fuck me, are they going to embarrass me in front of all the people I'm going to have to deal with for the next 1000 years? Just grand.

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