46. Collar

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Connor's POV

Varian was snuggled up against my chest with his ginger hair scattered around his head. The locks were slightly longer than the average human, but I assume that it's been a long time since he's had the opportunity to cut his hair only rarely. Considering he and his brother live in the middle of the woods, I assume that the money situation isn't the best. "Don't worry, I'm going to spoil you as soon as you turn 18," I breathed into the night air while stroking his hair, and the young man leaned into the caress of my hand like a cat. Even though the night was cold, I knew that Vari would stay warm. Not only do demons produce a stupid amount of body heat, but I had convinced him to wear my hoodie; added bonus is adorableness. The huge garment swallows his tiny frame whole, and I was addicted to staring at him in it. The hem went all the way down to his mid-thigh, and I could see his pale legs shimmer in the moonlight. My eyes traced up the baby blue cotton to his face before I allowed my hand to move forward and brush his slightly uneven cheekbones. I was shocked when his gray eyes fluttered open, and he gave me an unrecognizable expression. "Stop watching me sleep and lay down beside me, creep."

I curled up right next to him without seeing fault in the idea. However... I should have followed my instincts.


Benji's POV

Suddenly, the silence around my world was broken. Just before I ran downstairs to get ice cream, a loud explosion shook the building we were in. It wasn't a warlock's magic explosion, but... A demon's? I don't know how I know that.

My feet sprinted towards the sound, and my heart was slamming in my ears. There was a collective scream from the dining hall, so I sprinted in at the speed of light to find out what the disturbance was. When my feet planted into the ground, I saw the demon king atop a pile of rubble. He was staring down at the rest of the room's occupants with cold, greedy eyes, and I could see the grease layered thickly in his hair from here. Gross, man!

"You all will listen to me now, or face the consequences." The demon king flicked one of his legs over the side of his mini throne, and the leather knee high boots made him look like a cheap femdom in bad porn.

"Hey! Old guy!"

"Oh, a brave one emerges. Come closer oh dumb boy." I walked forward with a confident outer appearance, yet my mind was crumbling down slowly around me. Every step could be closer to my death, but I couldn't let everyone around me suffer because I couldn't step up to my responsibility. "What's my great opponent's name?"

"Benji." I kept the waver out of my voice by force, yet my stomach continued doing flips when he smirked darkly.

"Well, Benji, you can try to beat me, but I can guarantee you won't succeed."

"Doesn't stop me from trying." Within the blink of an eye, a red magical laso grabbed me around the waist and pulled me closer. The flaming substance sizzled against my skin, and I couldn't help but to scream from the horrible agony. I was drug all the way to the top of the throne where I was knelt before the king, and I suddenly felt something tight clasp around my neck. I fought against the collar and even tried biting it, but there was no use. There wasn't even a keyhole to unlock the heavy leather item around my neck.

"Maybe not, but that does."

"What did you just do," I breathed unevenly. My previous bravery had faded into a small flame of fear again, and the smirk painted across his lips made me want to vomit. Then again, I almost did when I was forced to smell his awful breath again. Seriously, learn what a toothbrush and shower are!

"Well I've needed a human pet since I got here to carry out my dirty deeds, and now I have you little one. That collar will keep you from using any magic, fowl language, or ability to injure anyone on my side of this battle. If you break any of these mandates you will be disposed of properly my small pupil. You belong to me now, and I don't take no for an answer. Do not tell anyone of this or I will kill both you and them. The collar will hide itself from other's vision unless I choose to show them. Any time you feel to quick shots, say, "Nbtufs j don't xjkkjohmz." (Master, I come wilingly.) "You will be instantly teleported to my layabouts." As soon as the last word fell from his lips, he pushed me down off of the mound of debris. I bounced on a few items before hitting the ground, and I was quickly grabbed by Mikey before I could get he opportunity to retaliate. He pulled me away from the dining room to the sound of the king's laughter, and I wanted to collapse into a sobbing heap.

"What has gotten into you, Benji! You can't just go after the king all by yourself. I honestly can't believe that you climbed up that trash mound and we're shocked when he pushed you right back down."

"Sorry, I didn't mean to, I-"

"Benji, I know you have this thing against your own life, but can you at least try and hold onto it? If not for yourself, for me? I'm trying my hardest to keep you happy and safe, but the second part is so hard when you're constantly running away from me and making me feel as if I'm nothing but a warm body to cuddle to you. Do you think I don't care if you die on one of these crazy suicide missions? Because if you do, you're wrong. I... I love you Benjamin Evans, I really do, but sometimes you can be so radical and unpredictable. I don't know what to do anymore."

"I chase the thrill..."

"And I chase you. However, there's only so long my legs can hold up. I'm tired of constantly having to run after you, and even when I catch you I can only hold onto you for a moment or 2. Can we just... Have a few days without running into danger?"

"I'll try my best Mikey."

"Your best is all I ask you for."

I hugged him tightly, yet the feel of the collar still lingered on my neck. The thing is so heavy and annoying, and I just want to get it off. Not only am I unable to feel any of my magic, but I also don't have my own freedom. If I don't come to him, he'll kill me. If I tell someone else the situation, he'll kill me. I may have a serious thrill problem, but not listening to Dray is like suicide on a silver platter. I can't be doing that, not right now. I don't know who my soulmate is, I'm 17... I'm way too young to die. I just hope that nothing goes too crazy.

Hey folks. I'm back in school so update may be less frequent, but I at least got Wattpad back on my phone (yay!)

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