[A note before i begin the story]

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[So, welcome to the fic. There are some things I wanted to clear up, just real quick. If you don't care, then go ahead and skip this. But anyways,

This fic is inspired by a roleplay I had with KyokoKirigiri606 

[Now known as ShuichiSaihara975]

I was Kiibo and Shuichi, and she was Kokichi. I also played Maki at a few points, with her playing as her at others.

In this fic, I rewrote some things around and changed a few events to make things make a little more sense. If you have any questions about anything, or if you spot a grammar mistake, please ask/tell me.

Cover art is by ke_yejji02
I just edited it to have the title and fit the mood I was going for. It's not mine. Original image is up at the top. None of the images in this book are mine. I attempted to find the authors, but Google search image has failed me. If you recognize an artist, please tell me! Pinterest is a banjaxed website....

I'm going to admit it: I'm not good at writing strictly shipping fics. There isn't going to be a lot of shipping stuff, but, there's some? I get too wrapped up in the main plot and forget to write the characters as anything more than "almost a couple but could also just be BFF's" so, I'm sorry if you came into this expecting hard-core shipping fuel.

Speaking of the plot, this is Pregame, so it's obviously not all happy fun times. Theres 2nd degree kidnapping (a kidnapping where the victim is is a safe place and isn't harmed), mild language, and mentions of bondage (for a joke). I'm not sure if those types of things need warnings, but I'd rather be safe than sorry.

Now, don't you dare start a shipping war. This is [leaning towards] Kiibouma because I hardly see anything for it, and Pregame Saiouma is toxic af. Still love Ingame Saiouma, so don't worry. If you ship Saiouma, good for you. Ship Kiibouma? Great. I honestly don't care, I made this for funzies.

Anyways, as I said, its inspiration is an ongoing rp. So, I might do filler chapters. But also, the rp might end without a climax, so please don't get your hopes up too high.

On a more positive note, I'm super excited for this! Please enjoy the story, or at least, what's there.

Now. What are the characters like?

Welk, you probably know pregame Shuichi and Kokichi, but I'll say it anyway. I'm not doing all the characters, so these are the ones that are more likely to be making an appearance.

Kokichi is shy and timid, and is easy to bully. Likes Danganronpa because of the Hope aspect and the characters.

Shuichi is obsessed with despair and danganronpa, and is overall a yandere bitch.

Kiibo is cold and calculated, and doesn't express himself often. He hangs out with Kokichi and Rantaro. He's a robot made by Team Danganronpa for the next killing game, and he was sent to school to learn how to act more human.

Maki is kind, and won't hesitate to give someone sad a hug. However, she isn't naive, and knows when she's being used. She's also surprisingly strong, and full of energy. Think of Akane mixed with Ibuki.

Rantaro is basically like a celebrity since he won the previous season of Danganronpa, and has a douche bag personality to go with it. He hangs out with Kiibo because he's technically a part of Team Danganronpa, and with Kokichi because Kiibo is friends with him.

Kaede is harsh and uncaring. She is also a superfan of Danganronpa. She hangs out with Shuichi sometimes, only because he is just as into the show as her.

If you're into translating fics! That is very much allowed, just credit me.

man... I made a bag of this note... sorry]

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