Chapter 14: Shuichi's House

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Eventually, after a quiet walk, Kokichi and Shuichi arrived at the latter's house. "Tah dah! Man, it's been ages since you've come over...." Shuichi noted as he held the door open for Kokichi. Kokichi stepped in. "It hasn't changed at all...." He thought. "Oh yeah, don't worry about making a mess. My parents won't care; they're hardly ever here." Shuichi said, shutting the door. He silently locked it.

"O-ok... are we g-going to your room...?" Kokichi asked. "Yup! You know where it is, right?" Kokichi nodded, and walked up the stairs. Shuichi came with.

While the rest of the house hadn't changed a bit, Shuichi's room had changed. A lot. Dozens of new posters, figurines, plushies, etc. had appeared. There was also a box on one of the shelves, but Kokichi figured it was probably just more Danganronpa merch. "Y-you have a lot of things...." Kokichi stated. "Of course! The only way to show your love for a franchise is to buy expensive merchandise." He replied.

Kokichi sat on the bed, which was the only thing that wasn't Danganronpa themed. Well, except for a few Kyoko plushes. And body pillow.....

"S-so anyways, a-are we going t-to fill out those application sh-sheets?" Shuichi nodded, and grabbed a laptop. He quickly pulled up a website, and handed it to Kokichi. "Here! Just fill out the questions. Then I'll attach a picture of your drawing and send it." Shuichi told Kokichi, who took the laptop gently. "A-alright." He started answering the questions while Shuichi stared into space.

"D-done." It was about a half hour later, and Kokichi was done. Shuichi took the laptop, attached the image, and hit send. "Great! Now I'm gonna do mine. You can watch some TV, if you want." Shuichi said, motioning towards the remote. Kokichi did so, and turned on a nice show about a girl with a number on her hand. It was very interesting, and Kokichi got sucked right in.

Another half hour passed, and Shuichi finished. He stretched after sending the application. "S-so how long w-will it take f-for them to r-respond?" Kokichi asked, turning off the TV. "Oh, probably a couple of months. They're very busy." Shuichi replied. "O-oh...." Shuichi stood up. "Well, I'm starved. Wanna go get some snacks?" He offered, to which Kokichi nodded.

They headed downstairs, and into the kitchen. "There's some chips up in that cupboard, if you want them" Shuichi said, as he grabbed himself a bag of Swedish Fish. Kokichi grabbed the chips. "Hey, while we snack, do you wanna watch some Danganronpa?" Shuichi asked. "S-sure."

They sat on the couch, and Shuichi turned the show on. He had all the seasons recorded, and they decided to watch the second season. Kokichi would turn away whenever there was a death or execution. While they were watching, Shuichi wrapped his arm around Kokichi's shoulders. Kokichi was surprised by this, and scooted a little bit further away from Shuichi. "You know... this was actually kinda... nice. Maybe I should hang out with Shuichi more." Kokichi thought.

Kokichi looked at the time, and realized that it was about time to go. "B-Bye, Shuichi. I gotta g-get home." He stuttered. "Bye, I guess...." Kokichi headed to the door, and tried to open it. "Sh-Shuichi? Its l-" Suddenly, a cloth was over Kokichi's mouth. His eyes widening, he struggled, but was being held in place. "Breathe." Shuichi instructed, and eventually, Kokichi passed out.

《________End of Chapter 14________》

Words: 588

[Ruh roh, Raggy. If you're wondering, the cloth had a ton of  Chloroform. I know that it takes longer to work lmao. Thanks for reading. Vote if you enjoyed.]

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