Chapter 11: An Explanation

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Shuichi was about to walk out of the classroom, before he felt a hand on his shoulder. He turned, and saw it was Kaede. "Oh? What's up, Kaede?" He asked. "Team Danganronpa released a new video a few minutes ago. Wanna watch it?" She asked, staring blankly. "Hm... I was going to go hang out with Kokichi... but... I'm sure he can wait! Show me!" He exclaimed. Kaede nodded, and took out her phone to show him.

Kiibo headed out of the building. Suddenly, out of nowhere, someone tackled him in... a hug? Kiibo froze up. He disliked being touched, especially from someone he didn't know.

"Kiibo!" The figure exclaimed. Kiibo immediately recognized the voice. He relaxed a little. It belonged to Kokichi. "If Shuichi sees...." Kiibo shook the idea from his mind. "Kokichi. Please release me." He said sternly. Kokichi was taken aback by the sternness in his voice, and immediately did as he said. "S-Sorry... d-do you n-not like hugs? I-" Kiibo shushed him, and glanced around suspiciously. After not being able to locate Shuichi anywhere nearby, Kiibo took Kokichi's hand and led him around the corner. "K-Kiibo? What's going on?"

Kiibo took one last look, then turned back to Kokichi. "I need to talk to you, but... we can't do it here." He said. Kokichi thought for a moment. "W-Well... you could c-come over to m-my house...." He suggested. Kiibo nodded. "Lead the way. Quickly."

Kokichi lead the way to his home. "I wonder... what is it he wants to tell me? Does he have another secret, along with being a robot?" He wondered. Eventually, they reached Kokichi's house. "Ok... K-Kiibo, what'd you w-want to t-tell me...?" He asked. "Kokichi. Did you tell Shuichi about me being a robot?" He asked. Kokichi hadn't been expecting a question like that. "Um... n-no? Why?" He questioned. Kiibo sighed. "After you left the mall, Shuichi pulled me aside and threatened to reveal my secret, and then destroy me if I didn't stay away from you." He explained. "H-He what? I g-guess that explains w-why you wouldn't t-talk to me today...." Said Kokichi. "Wait, w-what did Shuichi say to you?! I d-don't want you to d-die!" He exclaimed, his eyes full of fear.

Kiibo chuckled slightly. "Kokichi, you know I'm just a robot, right? But I appreciate knowing you'd rather not have me 'die'. As for Shuichi, I didn't detect him at all before we left." Kiibo said. "I know you're a robot... that doesn't change anything." Kokichi thought. "Are you s-sure? He m-might have slipped p-past...."

"I'm positive. He's only managed to evade me when I wasn't actively looking for him." He said. "Anyways, I should head home. My caretakers might be getting worrie-" Kokichi interrupted him by clutching onto his arm and exclaiming "Wait! W-what if Shuichi comes here? H-he might see you walking b-back... stay... p-please...."

Kiibo fell silent, thinking. "Would that be okay? I've never stayed anywhere other than my house during the night... plus... I haven't really sorted out my feelings towards him.... although, we are friends. Friends usually stay over, I think." He looked down at Kokichi's face. It was full of genuine concern and pleading. "...very well. I'll have to get my caretakers permission first, though. I'll call them." He said. Kokichi smiled, relieved, and released him.

Kiibo headed to the kitchen to call them. Kokichi sat on the couch, waiting for him to return. "Kiibo's going to stay the night...."

After a few minutes, Kiibo returned. "They gave their permission, on the condition that I power down before 9." He said. "Yay!!" Kokichi cheered. A silence fell between them. " What do people do during... they're called sleepovers, correct?" Kiibo asked. Kokichi nodded. "Hm... they w-watch movies, a-and eat snacks...." He said thoughtfully. "Interesting...." Kiibo murmured. "You c-can watch whatever you w-want, b-but I'm pretty t-tired." Kokichi said.

"It'd feel wrong to roam around your house without you being conscious, so I'll just power down and 'sleep'." Kiibo said. "N-no, it's okay, you h-have my permission." Kiibo shook his head. "I'd rather not." He said. "A-alright then... goodnight, Kiibo." Kokichi yawned. "Goodnight, Kokichi."

Kokichi headed up to his room. He hoped Kiibo wouldn't ask where his parents were, as that was a whole can of worms he didn't wish to open again. Luckily, Kiibo was always setting up boundaries for himself with others, so he wouldn't have to worry about that.

Kiibo took off his hat to reveal a portable charger that he always brought with him, and sat next to the closest wall plug. He plugged himself in, and powered down.

Kokichi layed his head on the bed, and drifted to sleep.

《________End of Chapter 11_______》

Words: 784

[Thank you for reading. I couldn't stand to keep the two apart for a long time....
Please vote if you enjoyed the chapter.]

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