Chapter 6: This Won't Do

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Shuichi came running towards Kiibo and Kokichi. "Hi Kokichi! I'm here to plan for tomorrow!" He announced. "P-plan... for what?" Kokichi asked. He was still hugging Kiibo, who know felt a bit awkward. "Don't you remember? You said you'd hang out with me tomorrow. We agreed to meet here to plan it out! Were you lying?" Shuichi asked, ignoring Kiibo's existence. "N-no! I wasn't lying. I just f-forgot." Kokichi stammered.

"Kokichi... could you let go of me?" Kiibo asked. Kokichi blushed, having forgotten. He let go immediately. "S-sorry!" Kokichi apologized. "Ah, it's alright." Kiibo replied. Shuichi cleared his throat. "Ahem. Anyways! Kokichi, let's go plan. We can sit under that tree and talk about what we're going to do tomorrow." Shuichi suggested. "Just the two of us." He thought to himself. "Oh... s-sorry Shuichi. I h-have to go home right n-now... I'm really sorry." He said.

Shuichi smiled. He had a backup plan. "Oh, no problem. Why don't I give you my number so that we can plan it out tonight?" He asked. "S-sure. G-go ahead." Kokichi said. Shuichi grabbed a pencil and a peice of paper and scribbled down his number, and handed it to Kokichi. "Here, don't lose it!" He said. Shuichi started walking off, and waved Kokichi goodbye. "Bye! I'll see you tomorrow!" He shouted. Kokichi waved back, then told Kiibo goodbye. The three started heading off to their own houses.

As Shuichi walked home, he let go of his nice and cheerful act. He was pissed. "How dare he? Friends don't hug each other that long. Kiibo... he's more trouble than I expected." He thought. Shuichi had been watching and listening in on Kokichi and Kiibo's conversation. While it made him angry, he did get some valuable information. "So he's a robot... explains why he's such a weirdo."

It would be incredibly easy to use this as blackmail. People are already angry that robots are taking people's jobs, so of course they would be mad at a robot taking a spot in school that could have been taken by a normal student.

Shuichi wondered, how did Kokichi figure out that Kiibo's a robot? Did Kiibo tell him? If so, how many people knew? He'd have to find out, probably over the course of the next week.

Shuichi arrived home, and immediately started texting Kokichi. By the end of their planning, it had been decided that they would go to the mall and shop, and that Kiibo had unfortunately been invited. However, Shuichi is the kind of person to make the best of situations. He'd just have to quietly threaten the robot.

While Shuichi was plotting, Kiibo was alone in his room, having an existential crisis. "What's going on?? Why did Kokichi kiss me? I thought that was something people did with their significant others. Am I incorrect?" He wondered. "And what's wrong with me? My creators said that blushing happens when people are embarrassed, but I can't feel embarrassed. I'm a robot...." He decided that 'sleeping' on it would be the best route. Perhaps Kiibo could just try to erase that memory from his hard drive?

《________End of Chapter 6_________》

Words: 530

[Here's the chapter! I released it early as a thanks for 40 followers.
Sorry that it's so short. The next chapter should be longer, though. Thank you for reading! Drama's a'brewin]

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