A Thank You Note

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[Thank you guys. Really. I'm super proud of myself for finishing this. Thank you for sticking with me this far!! This is the very first fic I've finished. I was considering making a prequel fic focusing on Rantaro and him adjusting to going to school after winning Danganronpa, but I'm not sure if I'll ever go through with the idea. I might make another Pregame fic with Shuichi being a normal person, with an obsession with Danganronpa. Maybe.

I doubt that any of you are wondering this, but;

If you're wondering what else you could read from me, I have a Danganronpa Oneshot book that's taking requests, an original book about cuddling monsters. It's called Aikimo: Monster Cuddler if you're interested. I'm also definitely planning another Kiibouma fic, ehhe

Anyways, there was a lot of stuff that I wanted to put in here but felt it wouldn't really... fit, y'know? Like, I was going to have a part where Shuichi broke down because Kokichi didn't want to stay with him, and dive a bit deeper into their parents, but I didn't really find a good place to put those things in. I do hope you enjoyed this, though!

I think I've warmed up a bit to Pregame Shuichi, because of a post someone made about him. If I ever do another fic like this, Shuichi will probably be waaay less yandere-like. I hate yanderes, so I'll never have a yandere character as a good guy. Which explains why Pooichi was taken to jail-]

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